Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I'm an Uncle (again)
My sister Just had her first baby and it's a girl!!! She named the little darling Ella. I like that name, simple and unique. I noticed I said her first baby, I'm already acting like she's gonna have more! From what I know about her she's gonna luv being a mom. Anyway my prayers and blessings to My Sister, her beautiful baby girl, and My sisters love. Blessings and Light.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Unpacking - Kids on the block
Our furniture finally arrived yesterday (Yay!!!!!!) The driver was a real jerk to my wife the last 3 days, lying,not meeting commitments and being really rude. I kept myself in check and supported her in keeping calm during the whole thing. He finally arrived and the crew was able to unpack everything. Some things were broken but we're not going to make a major case about it. The turn signal on my motorcycle is broken (sigh). I'll just ad it to the list of things it needs. Once the furniture was off the truck and in the house my wife ran out and tipped the crew and not the driver. It's funny, the crew didn't like him either. In any case we have a house full of boxes that we're unpacking slowly. It's nice not to have an echo in my house.
My youngest daughter Shelly, Ms. Social, went out the in the neighborhood and hooked up with the neighborhood kids right away. Our other two are very Shy and more reserved. It was really nice that two of the boys came over and helped us unpack. Not only did they help us unpack but they made our other kids very comfortable and before the night was over they were all playing and talking and generally having a good time. One thing I need to let you know; I tried one of their skateboards and looked pretty sad. I was happy though, I stayed on for a decent amount of time and only fell once (Yay) :o)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Dreams: Back in school again & Running
I remembered my dream this time and it's funny because I'm really not finding as difficult as I used to; Here goes.
I'm running in a marathon and feeling pretty good. Running around me is this racist who is doing nothing but running his mouth. I'm getting upset with him and I really don't want him around. I work my way to him and we start elbowing each other trying to get each other off the course. This goes on for awhile without either of us having much success. This is the last I see of him in my dream.
The course is beautiful and it's spring and we're running in gentle rolling hills by the ocean. Part of the course goes through a school (school again). In the school you're allowed to rest and so I do (which is very much against me because I never stop in real life) I end up talking to a lady who is a teacher and I agree to run with a group of children during the last leg of the race. We all start running through the school and the children are doing great but they're really slowing me down. I'm getting inpatient and I want to take off. I speed up and then slow down because I feel guilty. This goes on through the rest of my dream until I wake.
Here's my take. I realize now that everything in my dreams is part of me or an aspect of me. So Racist Runner is a part of me I'm either trying to get rid off or suppress. My thought on this is the harder I try to fight against it the harder it is to resolve. I notice when I let go of my focus racist runner was no longer there. I was back in school again and I know it has to do with learning but I'm thinking there's something more, I just don't know what yet. The children i think is the child in myself. I think the time has come to let the child come out and I know this but currently I'm struggling with it. I think this might be partly related to my job and my wanting to be successful but not let my old habits come back.
Someone at work payed me a very nice compliment which I cherished. They told me I always have a smile on regardless of the situation. Of coursed when i heard it I smiled and was over joyed inside. I used to be the man to get the job done and Mr efficiency but always having a scowl. I'm glad I'm Mr Smiles now.
Anyway if you have any thoughts on my dream (or anything else) please share them with me. Please don't feel apprehensive about influencing; as with anything else folks only take in what rings true to them.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My kids showed me this video, acutally it was my son Josh who found it. Take a look and tell me what you think. If I knew how to do video on this I would but for now I can only give you a link. My son keeps telling me I should just do a my space site
Dreaming in AZ
It's interesting but I have been having a great deal more dreams since my move. Actually what I should say is I have been remembering a great deal more dreams. I just have to start getting into the habit of writing them down so I can look at them again when I'm awake. One thing for sure the dreams have been more intense. I wake up int the morning and can't really remember the details but I can recall the feelings. I've e-mailed some old coworkers at my last job and I've started having dreams about my old place and the conflict that I experienced there. Last night I had a dream in which I was separated from my family again experiencing the intense feeling of fear and being alone. Maybe this is a way of me purging myself of baggage, I'm not really sure. I am happy about the fact that I am remembering more. I would really like to develop my ability to recall and interpret my dreams. I would also like to be able to become lucid in my dreams. SO I'm thinking that this is the beginning process to such a thing.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Joining a Clan
From time to time I've considered , what I call, joining a clan. What I mean by this is joining an organization of like minded folks. Something like the Unity Church or similar organization. I grew up as a Roman Catholic and that experienced along with some others has made me very apprehensive about joining any type of organization. In my younger years I've tried and thought about many religions, philosophies and practices. I was frustrated because I would find contradictions in everything I looked into. Actually what I should say is none of them felt right for me. I truly believe everyone has their own path but I'm also discovery that doesn't mean that we don't all share the road at any given time. Like my earlier posting about reliance I'm realizing that being with like minded people isn't a bad thing and we can all share in our experiences and help each other. After all, we're all one. I've tried clans before only to be disenchanted by the direction they were going. This time I think I'm ready. I must be because I'm thinking about it! Does anyone have any thoughts???
Regression Therapy
Good Morning;
I little while back I had written about taking my middle child, Nicole, to regression therapy. We scheduled the session but because of everything that happened we had to cancel. Nicole was pretty upset and I promised her once things got a little settle we would find someone and schedule another session. Well, we're on again !!!! We found someone in Sedona and will go see them next Saturday. I've already been enlightened as to what pass lives are giving her issue's but I don't want to say anything until after the session is done. Because of her age the therapist ask that a parent be present. I spoke with my wife and we decided I would be there (Yea!!). Actually my wife decided, I just agreed with her. :o) My other kids want to have sessions also but we told them a little at a time. I'm discovering regression sessions aren't cheap and they aren't covered by insurance. :o) And I was upset when they didn't cover Chiropractors!!!
Anyway, I'm listening to a band called Third Day while writing. A group that was on Gabbatha's band of the week. I'm weird where when I like something I can play it over and over and enjoy it like it was the first time heard it. My kids are like that too.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Looking for suggestions
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
looking at the past
I've been in a really reflective mood lately. Thinking about all the changes that have occured as of late. (I've put up some of my favorite pics I posted) I've been at my new position for about 3 weeks now. My family has joined me and I'm extremely grateful for the epiphany I am experiencing (no pun intended). I have been really cautious about everything I have been doing because I don't want to get caught up in the same pattern I was in when I worked last. I was unemployed for about 5 months and I've learned allot and changed a great deal. I like the person I am becoming and don't want to go back to the person I was.
I like the blog I have been keeping not only does it give me a chance to share with others but it also offers a small look into my life. I look back at my post and I am amazed at how I felt at each moment when I wrote those posts. It's become my log, diary, or journal; whatever name you would like to choose.
I like the blog I have been keeping not only does it give me a chance to share with others but it also offers a small look into my life. I look back at my post and I am amazed at how I felt at each moment when I wrote those posts. It's become my log, diary, or journal; whatever name you would like to choose.
Some of the post were pretty bad in terms of me questioning myself and what I was doing. About the worries I was experiencing, my family, the bills etc. Allot like other people experience in their own lives. I wrote in one of my posts that it is my hope that people can read what I write and learn from it. Reading them now I realized I have learned a great deal from them.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Family Reunion
My gang finally joined me here in AZ. It was a rough ride for my wife and kids, especially my wife. She left PA when that terrible storm hit that stranded everyone in PA. Fortunately she got out before it hit our area bad. She drove about 4000 miles with 3 kids and a dog. Even though I am proud of my kids and dog for being on their best behavior that type of trip would test anyone's endurance. I'm especially proud of Pam because this was the first time she has done something totally on her own. I've always told her that she is very capable and that all she needed was more confidence in herself and she proved it with this trip. This is the beginning of many wonderful things for her.
Anyway I went off track. The gang has joined me and I am extremely happy to have everyone together again. Allot of people say that their kids are their life or their family is their life. I never really believed them or understood what they meant until recently. My family is me and is a part of me and defines part of who I am. There was a time when I would be afraid to say such a thing. I basically grew up without my parents in an orphanage going from place to place and very early in life I discovered that the only person I could rely on was myself. I made a promise to myself very early in my childhood that I would never let myself become dependent on anybody. I would help anyone else out but I always kept everyone at arms length when it came to my reliance on them. In my youthful ignorance and into adulthood I always perceived reliance as a weakness.
I was wrong. Reliance on someone is not a weakness; It's a sign of love. I truly love my family and rely on them as much as they rely on me and I think it's wonderful. We share ourselves with each other and if one of use falls short, the others are there to help. I'm not saying we're not independent because I think we all are in our own way. But to know that there are people there to be with you no matter what is a powerful thing. It is my hope to build this kind of relationship with as many people as I can.
Blessings to you
Friday, February 09, 2007
I'm all smiles today because allot has happened. I was speaking with my wife last night and we decided it was time for the gang to come join me in AZ. We were going to wait until the house was sold but things are getting really tense in PA and since we're paying for two homes now anyway, we figured it would be best to have the family together. I am very very excited. I missed them immensely and can't wait to give all of them a hug; especially my beautiful wife.
The other good thing was that I drove to work today. In order to save money I've been walking about 4 miles to work everyday rather than getting a rental car. I enjoy the walk in the morning but at the end of the day I know I'm walking slower because I'm tired. Anyway I barrowed my cousins car because I have mid day errands to run and man am I happy. I forgot how much I enjoy driving!!! It's amazing how we take things for granted until they're not there anymore.
Anyway, I have a smile on my face today and I hope you have one also. Enjoy your day and appreciate the little things that bring a smile
Thursday, February 08, 2007
My Daily Word
Good Morning
I subscribe to this free service where they provide you with a daily word as the title goes. Along with my friends and family I have found these daily readings comforting and inspirational. I discovered this service through unity church and truly appreciate their love and support. It is my hope that once I can get myself and the family settle in our new lifes that I can give to them and others the love and compassion they gave me. Blessings
Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Created in the image of God, I express pure life and energy.
If I may have been holding thoughts of myself as sick or injured, I change that image and see myself healthy and whole. God loves me. Nothing can prevent me from feeling this love within me and knowing that love’s healing energy is continually moving throughout my being.
I am a divine creation, given shape and form according to God’s perfect design. I am created for life, created to know love and joy and wholeness. There is no injury, no sickness that is beyond God’s power to heal.
I feel God’s presence enfolding me. God and I are one, and a mighty healing work is taking place.
“You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent.”—Psalm 30:11-12
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Saturday, February 03, 2007
Well... tomorrows the superbowl and I'll be sitting down to watch it like millions of other peeps. This year will be unique cause I'll be watching with my wifes cousins, one whose a super sports fan. I enjoy sports and like football but stopped being a superfan years ago. I'm looking forward to it and I'm rooting for the colts. Got into a football pool also which always makes the game more fun. regardless of what you're doing , I hope you enjoy your sunday
Things to notice
It's funny when you're away from those you love how all of a sudden you take notice of things you either took for granted or didn't notice before. I've noticed this especially with my kids. My middle daughter Nicole, who is very sensitive but has a hard time communicating her feelings is very articulate with her e-mails to me. She also has a great sense of humor which I've never noticed before. My son has e-mailed me and he said more in his e-mail to me than he has ever said face to face. If I didn't miss them so I would want things to stay this way so I could get to know them better. I do realize, though, that I need to change how I speak with them. Become a better listener.
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