It's been a pretty intense week at work. There was one day where nothing went well. In Fact, everything went against me!! Talk about being tested!!!! I was sooooo drained at the end of the day and feeling very down. I tell ya a little bit of my fun and my observations.
It was a busy day, one of those days where you feel like you're running around allot but not really getting anything done. We were having a teleconference with the OR Nusring Staff. I'm on an IT team responsible for implementing a new OR system at our hospital. It hasn't been going well. Emotions have been very high and people are letting their personal feelings impact their decisions. near the end of the conference, a nurse, I have become friends with starts to speak. She is extremely upset and is making it known. She tries to corner my supervisor with issue's but it doesn't work and makes the nurse more upset. Finally the nurse says WE have issues that IS knows about and not doing anything to help. When my supervisor ask for examples, I get handed on a platter. I told Epi this and I told Epi that and he hasn't done anything!!!! She's yelling and speaking half truths. during most of that ordeal I was apologizing and informing everyone I would follow up.
after it was over I felt like I was going to blow up. Someone I trusted had betrayed me also most of those issue's that my name was attached to were someone else's issue in my department. But Since I was up front I had to take the hit. It bothered me greatly because I had spoken to this other individual informing him that we needed to do this and if he needed help I would offer assistance. He basically ignored me and made me feel like I didn't know what I was talking about. On top of that my boss probably thinks I'm a poor performer. I wanted to go and take care of those people that betrayed me in a not so nice way. I was seeing red. but I kept my composure and delt with the rest of the day (which went downhill (law of attraction))
I got home spoke with my darling wife who did everything she could to make me relax and feel comfortable. My lovely kids also tried to make the rest of my day better. I love them all greatly. At the end of the day I sat and thought about how I should deal with what had happened. I am not one to let a situation lay or ignore any matter. That just isn't in me.
The next day came and I went looking for my cocky co worker. He was out so I spoke to his manager. I never spoke ill of the person and I stayed with the facts when I explained my situation and dissatisfaction. I also offered to sit with my coworker to start a new page. I found the nurse that is my friend and apologized to her that she felt I hadn't met her needs and offered to help her. I also spoke to my supervisor to make him aware of what I had done. I was very happy with myself and how I handled the situation. A year ago I would have blown my stack and would have made it my mission to clear my name and get them back. Even though I still feel hurt, I understand why these people did what they did. I do not agree with it but I know it's not personal and that we need to continue to work with each other.
I am happy because I learned a lesson that has taken me most of my life to learn (I'm in my 40's). Before this would have affected my work and my home life and now I'm able to deal with it and let it go and smile again. People are so defined by their work now a days that it's hard to let go. I hope that hopefully someone who reads this doesn't have to wait till their 40's to learn it.