I have been going to hydrotherapy these past couple of weeks. An experience which I thought was going to be really difficult but turned out to be not so bad. I met my therapist and she basically became my therapist for all three of my sessions. AS you might guess when you're on your back for and hour you strike up pretty good conversations. When got on the topic of spiritual fulfillment, I had mentioned that I recently attended some Unity Services. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my therapist had known about Unity and had attended some services. She had said that it wasn't for her and she finally became a Roman Catholic. She told me that the only way to really help your soul was to receive communion and feel the holy spirit in you. That the only way to really be saved was to receive the Eucharist and then she gently tried to persuade me to consider this as an option. Bless this wonderful woman for wanting to help me. I thought it was really caring and nice for her to do that. Even though I disagreed with her I kept quiet and thank her for help, knowledge and caring. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I had grown up Roman Catholic and had decided on a different path.

The conversation though made me think and it made me want to express my opinion on an idea that I had struggle with as a Catholic. This is the idea that there is a chosen group of people that will be lifted above the rest. A group that is apparently better than the rest. When I was a child I remember being told that it was extremely important to be baptized or you wouldn't go to heaven. I remember specifically being told that if we saw someone near death to make sure to confirm if they were baptized and if they weren't to try to baptize then so they would go to heaven. I had many friends and knew many good people that weren't baptized and I struggle with the notion that they would not go to heaven. why would a god that loves you unconditionally forsake so many? It did not make sense to me. This bothered me for many, many years.

Then it occurred to me!! That this idea of a chosen people was untrue!! If god loves everyone unconditionally why would she pick a certain group of people over another? I was amazed at how simple it was! The best way I can think of communicating my thinking on this is by the following analogy. Let's say I have two brothers that I love more than anything. One brother is blind and one is not. Lets say both of my brothers are starving and near death. Here I am and I have a table with enough food to feed an army and I invite my brothers to eat and be healthy and happy. the brother with sight finds the table easily but the blind brother continues to struggle and is lost. Am I going to let him starve? Of course not! I'm going to go out and get him and bring him to my table. If you love someone you're not going to put conditions on your love.

In my many years of struggling this made sense to me and rang true. No mather what you call the divine, God, Allah, Jehovah, The Universal Consciousnesses, etc...and regardless of what religion or spiritual path, The Divine is Love and Love does not exclude anyone. And in this knowledge I finally started to discover the true meaning of Grace and Unconditional Love.