Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I luv kronks new groove

This is Funny!!!

The family and I were nostalgic looking for some old 80's tunes on you tube. Then we came across this; this is funny...

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Below is a piece of music by Enya. It's called Watermark. It has always had a profound effect on me. Even now as I'm writing and listening my eyes are tearing. It's such a beautiful piece. Blessings

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Return to Innocence

Below is a tune by Enya and Enigma, I wanted to put a video but I really couldn't find one that I felt fit the song (Even the original video). So I put some pics instead. Hope you like them.....Blessings

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That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence.
If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Getting out of a hole

I've been in a real hole lately!! I haven't been writing much on the blog. I haven't run any decent runs for two weeks and I've been eating like a total pig. I've gained the 10 pounds that I lost back. I don't know if it's work the heat or maybe the time of the year where getting yourself motivated won't work no matter how hard you try.

I've just been dragging ass big time. Anyway since I'm taking notice of this I have to start doing something to change it. So tomorrow it's back to step one, I'll start with a run and slowly start building myself up again. :o)


Strange Horoscope

I subscribe to two online horoscope services (they're free by the way). Every once in awhile I'll get a strange and I wonder to myself "Was the person or people writing it not with it that day or is there some real meaning behind it?" Today is one of those days. Look below

"Do you really think that the work of the future will be performed by isolated individuals connected by computers? Any person that tells you this is going to irritate you so much that you'll feel the urge to strike them down with a lightning bolt! But if you don't believe in this future, can you propose an alternate? If you are the head of a team this may be the moment to look for new solutions, Epi"

I prefer interactive conversation where I can physically be with those I can be conversing with. I do have online friends and would prefer to be with them also but the fact of the matter is we are pretty far apart and currently that is not possible.
Any thoughts?


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Overcoming some fears

I recently gave my blog link to some old friends of mine. These folks have known the old me for quite some time. I've talked with them on and off over the past year and I've always told them that I have changed but never went into specifics. I value their friendship but I guess I was always fearful that they would not understand and think me a nutty new ager. Unfortunately I always felt phony not sharing what I have learned and the profound effect it has had on me. It's funny even with my new found discoveries I continue to harbor old fears and thoughts. Like anything I know in time I'll let them go and go on to new challenges. Anyway these are my loose thoughts for the day...


3 Steps

Been pretty busy lately doing things and taking life in. We're getting ready to go back to New York next week and the whole family is really excited. I'm also continuing to take in my feelings and perspective about fire the grid. Among other things the experience I think has actually taught me more about enjoying my moment now and appreciating all that is around me. If anyone hasn't seen the videos from this woman I truly recommend them. I viewed it on you tube and it was broken down to 8 sections. The section I truly enjoyed was the part on how to ,as Shelly put it, walk the path. These things were, Do no harm, including yourself, do everything with honesty and integrity, find your joy do it and be thankful for it. I think to myself what a profound impact this would have on our world if everyone followed these 3 simple steps. I have her 5th video below if you wish to view it.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Firing the Grid in Arizona


Well... This morning my family and I got up in the early morning hour to join in to "Fire The Grid". For those who might not know FTG is a world wide movement to help the Earth (and ourselves) by joining together for one hour at a specific time world wide. It is to elevate our vibrations so that we may help heal the Earth and ourselves. I thinks that's the best way I can describe it without screwing it up. If you want to know more you can go to www.firethegrid.org.

Anyway Pam and I got up about 3:40 AM to get everyone ready for the 4:11 AM kickoff. The experience was wonderful. In the beginning Pam and I meditated while the kids were asked to think of things they enjoyed and to just be grateful for the happy experiences they had. We played Sky Sent which was one of the songs recommended. It is a very nice piece of music. After about 15 minutes of meditation we sat as a family and talked, laughed and recalled fond memories and feelings. I think we enjoyed ourselves so much that we almost forgot why we were doing it. Every so often I would remind myself, and the gang, to reflect on the happy feelings and to give thanks that we are here together loving and sharing. It was a warm and joyous feeling. I want to thank my family and let them know that I love them so. I am very very fortunate person.

In thinking about the warmth and joy that we shared I wondered how many people around the world were sharing the same experience. Can you imagine millions of people sharing warmth and love at one specific moment?!?! OOOF!


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Fire the Grid

Below is an e-mail forwarded to me by Titania, Thank you Titania. I feel it to be of importance so I'm posting it for those to review and read and connect to the link.

July 9, 2007

This is Matthew with loving greetings and a most important postscript to my July 2 message. This topic on my mother’s list became buried as she turned pages to locate questions related in nature, and both of us forgot it. If any of you readers still may have the impression that souls in high stations have no frailties, now you know that is not so. My mother and I did remember about our serious omission shortly after she sent out the message, and we had the good intention to follow that quickly with a note about this vitally significant event. That didn’t happen only because of several interruptions in my mother’s limited time to complete her speech and other preparations before departing for the Science, Spirit and World Transformation conference, from which she returned late last night.

Now then, the July 17th event that has become known as “Fire the Grid”—and is ideally named!—is supremely deserving of my first ever PS to a message. It surely doesn’t need my endorsement, and that is not what I am doing. Rather I am urging all who are unaware to read about this 24-hour window of opportunity to join a dynamic worldwide throng whose energy outreach will blend with the in-surging light. The remarkable story of a young woman and her little son that led to her receiving organizing instructions for this unique global effort is at www.firethegrid.org, and I hope you will feel inspired to read it.

But briefly, Tuesday, July 17th, starting at 11:11 a.m. Greenwich time, an off-planet energy surge will activate the light grid surrounding Earth, and as your collective light mingles with that incoming energy, the unprecedented light intensity not only will “fire the grid” as Earth rotates throughout your day, but it will be anchored within selves and your planet. Each soul participating will spend one hour, starting in the respective time zone, in contemplative BEing. This can be whatever is most comfortable and familiar to you—meditation; prayer; envisioning Earth in golden white light; focusing on peace, harmony and cooperation among all humankind; feeling gratitude for life’s blessings and the natural beauty of your homeland planet; listening to quiet inspirational music; feeling connected with God and all other life throughout the universe; or any combination of those or whatever else fills your heart with light and your mind with peacefulness.

The healing love energy of lighted souls throughout the universe will be with you throughout that time of major importance in the transformation of your world.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

There's no such thing as Better only Different

I do not know if anyone has seen the news lately but the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church in a recent speech proclaimed that there is only on true church of god. I bet you can guess which one he picked. This saddens me greatly because it truly amazes me how a man with such influence can make such a damaging statement. There are many religions and philosophies about god and life in this world. Not one is better than the other, not one is preferred by divinity over the others. They are all paths in life, different paths. The simplest analogy I can give is millions of people starting in New York City and they're all going across the country to Los Angeles. They all have the choice and freedom to get to LA however and whenever they want as we do on life. As you can guess there are going to be many paths. Now of all these paths, one might be the fastest, one might be more scenic, one might go through mountains, etc. But, eventually they all end up in LA. Not one is better than the other, just different. To me the Popes statement is take my path because it has more trees and it's better than the rest; Does this make sense to you? Because it really doesn't to me. Now, if you like trees, the popes path is what you might want to take and that would be good for you. But if you preferred rolling plains than that would be your path and it would be right for you. What is the right path for one person might not be the path for another and we need to learn to respect that.

This is not meant to bash the pope, that is not my intent, and if I have offended anyone I offer my deepest and sincerest apologies. At the same time I need to respond because I feel these types of comments are what cause fear and further separate us. I ask those that read this to please do not try to cause any more alienation and separation with the idea that mine is better than yours. Please acknowledge the differences and respect them with the respect that you wish to receive for your beliefs. I'll offer one more analogy; if you had a brother/sister which you loved and cherished greatly. Let's say you were both of a certain religion; as time went on your brother/sister decided to convert to another religion. Would you love them any less? Would they love you any less? I would think not. Then I ask, If you would not lose your love for them, how can the divine, god, Allah, whatever name you wish to use, love them any less? How can the divine who is the essence of love,love your brother or sister any less?

Please remember, There is no such thing as Better only Different. A difference we should acknowledge and respect.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Really Reiki

We're getting more into Reiki healing now. My daughter Shelly has been going to class and she's actually at a more advance level than my wife and I. She is actually doing some Reiki healing for my wife which is really sweet of her and gives her some good experience. Shelly had really taken to this and is really a natural. She's very excited because she's met another group of kids and people that are like minded. I can feel the relief in her in her new discovery. I think this is the beginning for her in her quest for this type of knowledge and her love of people and being able to help them

Pam and I are taking our level 2 Reiki class this weekend. Of course I will be going to Shelly to practice with and sharpen our skills. From what Shelly is telling me the level 2 course focuses on sharpening your healing skills and enabling you with more abilities through concentrating on certain symbols.I'll let you know. :o)

I have to say I am very proud of my daughter and wife. My pride isn't just because they're open minded outlook and learning this new skill. My pride is mostly in their willingness and want to help other people. I truly consider them and the rest of my family, my Angels on Earth.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good Morning July 11, 2007

Good Morning!!

I rarely post in the morning, usually later in the evening but I really haven't been posting lately so I figured I'd do a morning post and see what thoughts come out. Had some strange dreams last night. I can't really describe them because they are vague. All I can describe is the feeling I was left with. I would say it's a feeling of sadness of missing someone very close. I've had dreams like this before. In the dreams it's usually been places in my past where I feel I left too quick or didn't finish what I was suppose to do. Interestingly the places are schools. When I was young I moved often and went to many schools and I did the same with college. I guess this is something I should meditate on because these dreams and this feeling keep coming back from time to time. It's funny that I think I have learned so much about myself but have managed to keep this sadness deep within me.

Believe it or not I am in a good mood this morning. I did not run because I was really worn out yesterday and I figured I would give my body a recovery day. Love those recovery days. :o) But tomorrow I'll be on the road again doing my 12 miles. OOOOOF!

I hope your morning is going well and that your days is even better


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Sunrise Earth

Keeping with my them of our beautiful planet I wanted to make as many people aware of Sunrise Earth. It's a show put on by the discovery Channel every morning. We catch it on Animal Planet so you would have to check to see which discovery station it is on. Anyway since they have changed my work schedule and I'm going into work later, I've been able to spend morning time with my kids. My daughter Nicole, who is an intense animal lover, introduced me to Sunrise Earth. It's a collection of beautiful sunrises from across America. Most of them are in our national parks but regardless they are all beautiful. She tells me that she meditates to them in the morning. I thought to myself "What a fantastic idea!". So if you can take some time to check them out, they are very relaxing and a wonderful start to the day.


New York?

Friday, July 06, 2007

Live Earth

keeping a late night tonight, well later than usual for me. I've been checking out Live Earth online. It's a wonderful idea and allot of great music for a cause that really needs our attention. I've been watching mostly the Australian and Japanese performances. There were these two really cool performances by Missy Higgine ( I thin she sounds like Sinead Oconner) and a group called Eskimo Joe. It's amazing how much I am reminded of Live Aid. Back then I thought that my generation was the only one who cared about each other and our planet. I am so glad to be proven wrong. It doesn't take allot to have an impact. If each of us can do something in there own way to contribute the impact would be tremendous.

Blessings :o)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Where is Heavan?

I subscribe to a newsletter; In the latest one their was an article which really struck me. So I decided to post it and invite some thoughts. The newsletter is from the Recreation Foundation the article is from Neal Donald Walsch

Last week I made the following statement:

"If you believe that life has anything to do -- anything at all -- with the needs or goals or accomplishments of your body, then you haven't understood anything at all about the purpose of your existence, about the reason you, a spiritual being, chose to travel through time and space with your body and dwell in the realm of physicality."

I did not mean to infer or imply that we should spend no time whatsoever pursuing pleasure's of the body or the joys of fully experiencing physicality. Indeed, I would like to say to you now, very clearly, that just the opposite is true. We have brought ourselves here from the Realm of the Spiritual to the Realm of the Physical for the specific purpose of experiencing with joy ALL the wonders and the beauty and the treasures that can only be found in physical life.


Yes, only. Certain treasures can only be found in physical life. If these experiences could be had in the Realm of the Spiritual, we would have no reason to come into physical form. It must be understood that we are moving from the Spiritual Realm to the Physical Realm for a reason. We are coming here to life on the earth in order that we might gain a "world of experience." And what it is that we wish to experience is all that we have come to know about ourselves in the Realm of the Spiritual. And so we see that the journey of evolution is a matter of "keeping body and soul together." Even in the Spiritual Realm we have a "body." It is simply a different kind of body than that which we carry around with is in our time of physicality. It is our ethereal body, but it is our body nonetheless.

The biggest misunderstanding of so many religions is the idea that "heaven" exists on the "other side," and that this is what constitutes the so-called "spiritual world." In fact, in Ultimate Reality there are two realms.

These are not, as is commonly thought, the realms of Heaven and Hell. Rather, these are the Realm of the Spiritual and the Realm of the Physical. And the Realm of the Physical is not analogous to "hell." It is not another way of referring to Hades. In fact, there is no such place as Hades. Hell does not exist. The Realm of the Spiritual and the Realm of the Physical are two distinct realms within the Kingdom of Heaven.

That's right! Earth is part of Heaven!

We do not come here to this planet as a "test." We do not come here to be tested. Nor do we enter into physicality in order that we might "learn" something. We enter into physicality in order that we might experience who and what we know ourselves to be. Physicality and the Realm of the Relative are tools created by Divine Intelligence allowing us to create an experience of Who We Really Are, which experience is not available to us in this delicious form in the Realm of the Absolute.

Our time here is not meant to be a time of travail, but a time of bliss. The Contextual Field that we have created as a means of experiencing the bliss can be embraced as a gift and a blessing. It is merely a matter of how we look at things. It is simply a choice regarding the perspective that we take.

So while we are here on earth we are not required to wear a hair shirt and walk around with a begging bowl. We are not required to deny ourselves any of the pleasures of physicality as a means of proving ourselves worthy of God's love, or of elevating ourselves to a level of "higher consciousness," or of expanding our awareness. The word "enlightenment" does not equate with the word "miserable." Nor does "detachment" mean the same thing as "denial."

The truly enlightened being is a person who is not so deeply attached to physical forms and experiences that the absence of them causes a loss of happiness. Life urges us to enjoy physical experiences of many types, but not to require them.

It is through the enjoyment of the many aspects of physicality that we bring ourselves a rich experience and a powerful internal awareness of our true nature and our true identity.

This series of commentaries opened with a deep look at how time flies, how quickly our lives pass before us. This is good news, not bad. We were given this news as a comfort when we left Home. You see, we did not really want to leave. At some level, though we knew it was all part of the process and the cycle of life, we did not want to go. But no sooner did we enter our physical form than the angels began to minister to us, whispering: "Be of good cheer! You'll be Home in no time!"

They were, of course, being quite literal. But they also meant that in relative terms. They were conveying to us that our "time" here would pass very quickly. It would be like the blink of an eye.

As I said, we understood at the soul level that the journey to physicality was part of the endless cycle of Life Itself, and that the Realm of the Physical was created for us as the place where we could Experience what we had come to Know about who we really are. But leaving Home is never easy. Not when Home is as wonderful as ours is.

And the angels not only gave us comfort, but a great clue. They said, "If you want to really move through your next physical life quickly, if you want to really make 'time fly,' here is a secret formula: have fun. Make a joyful noise! You will find that your physical life will be over before you know it!"

What a great piece of information! What a marvelous secret! What a terrific insight! Humanity has taken this insight and reduced it to seven words: Time flies when you are having fun. Fun and joy are the jet fuel in the engine of life! We can have the experience of moving through our physical life quickly, and being Home again very fast, by just having fun!
