Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Can't Smile without U!!!

I had a terrible day today at work. One of those days where no matter how hard I tried, I could not shake off those bad feelings. My Honey was trying really hard to get my spirits up but nothing was working. Nothing until she asked me to record this song for a friend of hers for a joke. Listening to the lyrics brought a smile and deep sense of gratitude for this beautiful person who cares so much about me. SO this is for you honey.......

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Beautiful Music

This is another great piece from Anael and Bradfield. It's called Padmasambhara. I don't know what it means or what the words mean but it is wonderful to listen too. I use it to settle me down and meditate. Wonderful song...


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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Downed Computer

My Computer is no longer working. In fact I'm writing this from a laptop I barrowed from work. My daughters were in our room with food and drink (which they're not supposed to be) and spilled a whole cup of water on our computer. So today I'm taking it to Best Buy to see if it can be repaired or if I have to try and get a whole new system. In the meantime I found this really cool video, or it found me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nipple Gaurds

I've been running again for a little over 5 years. I lesson I learned hard was to always wear nipple guards on long races. When I first started racing I was told about this and warned that if I didn't do it my nipples would bleed from the constant rubbing on the shirt. I scoffed thinking that people were joking with me and pulling my leg. That was until a particular run in December a couple of years back. I ran the race and my nips wear burning but I didn't know why until a woman passed me pointed to my chest and said "Oh I feel for you". I looked down and noticed two read spots where my nips are; Lessoned Learned. When I was getting ready for this years marathon I realized I forgot my nip guards and was pretty distraught. I was staying at a friends house and his wife offered me her pasties ( I think that's what they call them). From what I understand woman wear them when they wear dresses that they really can't wear bras with. I really had no choice so I accepted the offer. Hence the picture below. It's hard wearing flowers over your nips but they worked great.


Friday, November 07, 2008

BAck in AZ

We're back from the east. It was a fun trip! I just looked at the video below on my other post and I look pretty creepy in that opening shot. OOOF!

Anyway the marathon went well, I ran a slow time but I have to say I really enjoyed the run. I ran with an old running buddy and it was great running together and catching up on things during the run.

We also visited some old friends in PA where we got to play in the snow! That's right it had snowed 10 inches the day before we landed so we had a blast. Snow ball fight...Woo Hoo!

It was a very hectic get away. We landed in philly drove to staten island, drove to PA, drove back to NYC, drove back to north east pa and drove to Philly. OOF!

It was nice to go back, I was getting very home sick for the trees and season change and other things. We woke up the first morning and were pretty excited to find frost on the car! I was telling my wife "are we strange or what?" Being there, I feel, grounded me again. I feel much better now and have a greater gratitude for where I live now as well as the northeast USA.

It's funny usually the marathon is the zenith of the trip but I think this year it wasn't and I'm pretty happy about it. It was also my wife's birthday and we had a great time celebrating and just being with the kids and showing them NY. I think the highlight of my trip was when I was on the beach with my kids and I realized just how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful family.

To my wife, Happy Birthday Honeybun, I love you. And to my kids, I cannot put into words just how much I love all of you and how much you all are a part of me.

Hope you enjoy the pics...



Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Dancing in the Car

We were on our way down to New york from PA. I was still pretty punch drink from lack of sleep and I guess we were bored so here it is. Me and the girls doing our thang!!!! in the car!!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Going home for a visit

Tomorrow night we fly out back east. We have a red eye leaving at 11:55 PM. The NYC Marathon is this Sunday and I'll be running it. I really don't know how many more if these I will be able to do so I try to make each one special.

I say going home because go back east still feels like home to me and I think to my family also. Even tough we enjoy being in AZ and we've done well I still get very home sick for PA, NJ and NY.

I heard it snowed 8 inches were we used to live so everyone is very excited to go back to some snow. It's been in the 90's here and we really haven't seen any snow for about 2 years now.

I'm hoping when I get back I'll have plenty to write about. Lately I think I've been going through bloggers block. Life seems like it's been too busy. Maybe that's a sign that I need to slow down again, take a deep breath and look around.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nice Quote

Found this quote below on a fellow lightworkers site. Thank you starkid.

"Don't worry, Mistakes lead you towards perfection"

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." Albert Einstein

Blessings ;o)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Ecstasy of Gold

I don't know if you've ever watched the old Clint Eastwood Movies, like the Good the Bad and the Ugly. I used to and I loved them back in the day. I also really liked the music. I just discovered that it's Ennio Morricone who wrote the music. So I went and downloaded all the tunes. This one is one of my favorites, I just heard it in a commercial also. Hope you enjoy


Monday, September 29, 2008

Oneness Day Petition

The following is information on a petition from Humanity's Team Web Site. Please read it and if it rings true for you please sign and and spread the news to promote this endeavor.


Oneness Day Petition - What is it?

A ONENESS DAY Petition - Potentially the most important petition ever launched . . . toward a New Spirituality, a new humanity, a new earth.

Humanity’s Team is collecting 50,000 signatures to get the United Nations to declare a Oneness Day, a day set aside and embraced by individuals, communities and nations for humanity to celebrate, discuss and experience our commonality, while still acknowledging and respecting our beautiful cultural diversities. A day to unite in Oneness for the greater good of the Human Family.

The first step takes 30 seconds. Join the thousands of others who are signing the petition. As we remember who and what we are on that day, we soon realize who and what we are every day. And then we can realize heaven on earth!

THANK YOU for joining us!

Read the Petition (Declaring a Oneness Day)

Sign the Petition

Print a Signature Collection "Kit" to get others to sign!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Euro Techno

More Techno YEA!! This time it's by a group/woman named after my favorite month!!

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Andy Goldsworthy

My daughter Nicole is studying Andy in School and she turned me on to him. I consider his work fascinating and wanted to share it on the blog. I watched his video and thought him a little eccentric but I don't know anyone who's not. Below is a piece about him from one a website.

Andy Goldsworthy is a brilliant British artist who collaborates with nature to make his creations. Besides England and Scotland, his work has been created at the North Pole, in Japan, the Australian Outback, and in the U.S.

Goldsworthy regards all his creations as transient, or ephemeral. He photographs each piece once right after he makes it. His goal is to understand nature by directly participating in nature as intimately as he can. He generally works with whatever comes to hand: twigs, leaves, stones, snow and ice, reeds and thorns.
See In His Own Words below photos


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Good Morning Starshine

Every once in awhile I like to change what I'm doing. It could be anything from clothes, shaving my mustache, taking a different way home, etc.... Today I felt like listening to ,what I call, 60's flower songs. I listen to some mommas and poppas, etc..
But the song that really got me was Good Morning Starshine, OOOF!! I had to sing this when I was in chorus in junior high and ever since then it really appealed to me. My daughter listened to this with me and said I was gay...... So I'm gay big deal. :o) I really like the song. I put two versions on. Even though I like the new one, I still prefer the old one. I guess that's what happens when you're older.


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Friday, September 12, 2008

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

Something really interesting, feel free to look up more on you tube. Just search Greg Braden


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Global Coherence Project

I just discovered this new site and new initiative. This resonates deeply within me and I want to make as many people aware of this project. the web site is

I discovered it while looking up Greg Braden's web site. One of the reasons his site and this project appeal to me is because being the technician that I am I sometimes need a scientific explanation to better understand some things. Although I have become more intuitive that tech side to me is very strong. From what I gather these folks are mostly researchers and scientist and it's very interesting and gratifying to see that they're discovering things that certain people have felt and taught for centuries but weren't part of main stream culture. They do sound a bit dweebish but I'm a person who prefers more emotion so take that with a grain of salt. :o)

Please take a look and see for yourself


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Strange Dream Sept 6 2008

Really quick. I had a strange dream that I just remembered parts of. Forgive the lack of details. I was with a Chinese Group and there was a Chinese Lady who was an elder or a teacher. She was talking to me going over a list she had in her hand. This list was things or traits I was supposed to achieve. According to her I was just about 1/2 way there but had some to go. these were a varity of things, like patience and certain psychic skills. I know she said intuition was to be a focus as of late. She made a Hmf sound like I better get going. There was more to the dream but I cannot remember. This part I remember the most clearly


The Latest

Well my birthday just past and now I'm 43 years old. I continue to be fascinated by the fact that I'm in my 40's. I truly feel like a 25 year old. Though my body reminds me from time to time (more on that later). My daughters made me a beautiful cake that I truly appreciate and love. I haven't had a piece yet but I will before the night is over.

I ran a half marathon on my birthday and didn't do too bad. I took 14 minutes off my last half which is really good. For you runners I did it in 2 hours and 11 minutes; that's roughly 10 minutes a mile. I'm hoping to break 2 hours on my next half in 2 weeks. Anyway, I hit the wall with 2 miles to go. I pushed myself a little harder than i should of and my body reminded me that I'm in my 40's (told ya).All of this is in preparation for the NYC Marathon Nov 2. Which I am deathly afraid of in terms of doing poorly in the race. I think this is going to be my last NYC Marathon and my last with my family. Josh graduates this year and he wants to break out when he does. Hence we want to make this event special. I want to do a personal best. My best NYC is 3 hours 59 minutes.. Wish me luck..


Thursday, September 04, 2008

I Love September

I love September, Below is a poem I found on line. And I really like the picture which describes part of me. Loving the road and always changing. Pretty Neat


September Changes

September is like no other
It's days change color and weather
No other month can say quite the same
For every day, I can feel the change

It's cool breezes start out warm,
Changing to cold throughout every storm
The leaves change and fall
As the Summer leaves and Autumn kisses us all

September maidens feel the change
Like the blue of the sky
Yet the color so deep
Unbelievable beauty

Maidens fall throughout and watch
Each raindropp changing through colors so fast
Yet one streak remains the same
Of that wonderful sapphire rain.

September, unlike any other
Holds you tight, in any weather.
Changes come, no matter where you go

North and you'll get stormy snow
South and feel the heat of summer coming
September does this, no matter what.
Change lives within, Nothing to stop

September is beautiful
And awesome all the same
It's hope for the future and the change
Comes swiftly as we sweep away

The Summer ends and the Autumn begins
Change is all around
With one maiden leaving
And yet, another comes

Born into the world
Of wonderful September
The sapphire skies live on
Through out this wonderful September

Jessica Millsaps

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I burn for You

I luv Techno :o)

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Question Authority (a compilation of thoughts)

Usually when I post I write my thoughts then find some nice images related to what I wrote. Today I'm doing the opposite. I found this one image while I was looking for some other pics.

In high school I had this one t-shirt that I wore more than any other. As you can guess it said "Question Authority" on it. Being the rebellious soul that I was that was my motto. When I saw this pic I wondered to myself if I would've ever moved away from religion as quickly as I did if I saw this t-shirt back in the day.

Anyway, Jesus did question authority in his own way when he was around. All of the established authority figures weren't to fond of him to say the least. I find it interesting that some institutions preach that we should follow his teachings without question when questioning was one of his basic teachings. Besides how can you find answers if you don't question??? Part of the wonder of life are the discoveries you make as you move through it.

So go ahead and question. Question and find your answers to your own wonderful path in life.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bigfoot Chronicles

I know there's something significant going on in my life because my friend big foot is back in my dreams. I know I have an issue I have to deal with that I have been avoiding because that's what I'm doing in my dreams, avoiding him... Even when I wake my thoughts are of forgetting about the dream rather than trying to figure the meaning. stay tuned


Monday, August 11, 2008

Blogging at work!!

I can't belive it... I'm blogging at work... OOOOOF!

I don't know what it is but I just can't get into my job!!! It's a great job, it pays well, it's in a technical area, which I like. The people I work with a good also. It's just I don't feel comfortable. I don't feel like I'm having an impact. It's become pretty frustrating.

I know the solution is to find something else and go for it. But between my fears and my indecison as to what else I want to do, I can't make any movement. All I know is that I want to do something where I feel I'm having a positive impact and making a difference. I feel guilty because a couple of years ago (when I was unemployed and dead broke) I would've done anythign for this job..

Wow... Talk about venting... I still am very grateful and do appreciate what I have.. especially my gang and beautiful wife.. I guess I just need to be patient and look for the next sign. :o)


Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Last 1/2 Marathon

This weekend I ran the Flagstaff 1/2 Marathon. It was the hardest and one of the most beautiful 1/2 marathons I've ever run (Sedona is still #1). It was a great race though and i can't wait till next year to do it again. My family came up and we were suppose to go to the grand canyon after the race. Unfortunately 2 things prevented us from going to the grand canyon that day. One the rain and two me getting sick from pushing myself too hard. We were actually on our way to the gran canyon when the rains hit really hard and we decided to turn around. I keep saying it was divine intervention for two reasons. One because I was so sick, like I said earlier but two because I decided to face my fear of heights at the GC. I guess it just wasn't time yet. :o)

Anyway I'm posting some pics and a short video Nicole took of me trying to embarrass my daughters by dancing in public and the kids talking about curls. Hope the camera movement doesn't make you too sick. Enjoy


Sunday, July 27, 2008

has given me this very beautiful award. I do not think I am deserving of it but I am very flattered and honored. I am also late in posting and following the rules below so please accept my apologies. Thank you very much T.

The “Arte y Pico” award was created and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing and/or artwork in all Medias. When you receive this award it is considered a “special honor”.

These are now the rules to follow:

1. Recipients must pick 5 blogs they consider deserving of this award for creativity, design, interesting material, and for contributing to the blogging community in whatever language.

2. Each of the 5 selected blogs must include the name of the author and a link to his/her site to be visited by readers.

3. The recipient must show the award and indicate the name and link to the blog of the one that handed it to him/her.

4. All award recipients must include a link to the Arte y Pico site to inform all readers about the origin of this award.

I'm very sorry but I do not visit many blogs now a days. I was thinking of putting my daughters but that wouldn't be fair. Titania's "Finding Life's Enchantments" is one that is very deserving and teh best I've seen in a long time. I will put some links that I think would be nice to visit if you're interested.

Lightworkers Online

Care 2

Life and Love TV


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Time to catch up

My blogging has really fallen off. I think part of the reason is that we have become more active and the time isn't there as much as it used to be. Anyway, I wanted to catch up on the week because allot has happened.

First of all last Sunday was Pam and my anniversary!! We've been married 18 years and been together 20 years. I luv and cherish her now more than I ever have. The beautiful thing is with each day we're together and sit and am grateful for what we have. Now, like anything else in life, the road had allot of twists and peaks and valleys. There were a couple of times when the marriage was in jeopardy. Not something that I brag about but I mention it to show that marriage isn't always sweet and wonderful. It's something that grows and evolves like the people involved. Like anything else you're always reinventing it.

The bummy thing about my anniversary is that I was on call so I ended up having to go to work 3 times that day. YUCK!! Se La Vi. Pam and I decided that on my birthday (Sept 6) We're gonna take some private time, go to Sedona and celebrate our anniversary. I'll be 43 this year for anyone who's curios.

Another life changing event that happened this week was My youngest daughter and my son left for Pa for the summer (6 weeks). This is the first time they've been away for that amount of time and it has had a deep impact on me. I took them to the airport and shed a couple of tears after I dropped them off. My gosh, my son is 17 and I can still remember the first day we put him on the bus for kindergarden!! I am so proud of him. You can imagine what I'm going to be like when he graduates this year!!! OOOOF! My daughter Shelly the independent spirit of the family, I smile as I know this will be the first of many adventures for her. It's funny for Josh, I feel that I only have a year left so my sense of urgency (and wanting to spend more time with him) is greater. With Shelly I know I have more years. But I've learned, with Josh, that they go by quickly. So I'm learning to take the time and cherish the little things. Too many cliche's in my writing today. Sorry but I'm creatively limited this morning.

Nicole got her contact lenses this week also. My how different she looks with them! I really don't know if she's gonna stick with them because she's been having a heck of a time taking them out and putting them in. It's kinda funny but I feel for her. Also, Nicole starts her new school this year. It's a charter school that focuses on the arts. She's concentrating on photography. She has become quite the young lady. OOOF

It has been a week that's caused me to be very reflective. It's brought me great Joy but also a sense of sadness. I remember a woman saying when I was young about her kids, "If they could only stay that age" I now know what she meant. I have been and continue to be sooooo blessed.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Want to wish a happy fathers day to all the folks that are fathers, Whether they're biological or not doesn't matter. You could be a woman, brother, friend , cousin, anyone. Anyone who is loving enough and brave enough to take on such a responsibility, happy fathers day and I send you love and blessings.

I grew up without a father, he left the family when I was very young, so much so that I don't even know what he looked like. I met many people whom I was told to call dad or who were expected to fill the fatherly role; they didn't do such a good job. Then I met a couple of people in my young life who filled that role and helped me immensely, my dads. I do not know if they realized the impact they had on my life but they were special people. I want to thank them.

I'm a dad now of three very wonderful children. I take the lessons I learned from those special people and use them to help me become a better dad to my children and the dad that I am today.

Happy Fathers Day


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hip Hop Styling

I was hanging with one of my younger coworkers today for lunch. He gave me a ride in his wip and we had lunch together. It was truly an experience. Anyway he gave me a copy of this cd he made of hip hop tunes which I liked when I was in his car. I took it home to make a copy.

Soooo, I go home and start playing it on my computer. My daughters run in in amazement yelling "Dad, you listen to that?" Of course I start playing like I'm cool and say "of course, I'm even gonna start dressing the part" So I pull my shorts down on my hips and start dancing. My daughters start laughing at me and quickly point out that if I wanted to dress the part I had to wear boxers and not whitey tighties... Oh?!?!? I didn't know that....

Apparently not only do you have to wear boxers but you have to puff the boxer so there's a hump... Uhhhh OK.. Hence the picture above. My son wears boxers but he didn't want to show me how it's done. Oh well... Anyway I still like the tunes but I think I'll stick to wearing my clothes old school.


Friday, June 06, 2008

Random Questions Copied From Titania

I copied the questions but the answers are mine, last time I checked. Thanx T

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.

Those were the mans good qualities

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.

Stretched them touched my wife got slapped

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?

Dangerous catch, I think, Discovery Channel

4. Without looking, guess what time it is?

7:40 P.M.

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?

8:00 P.M.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

The loud music I’m playing on my computer is currently preventing me from hearing other things.

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?

I was outside checking my motorcycle and the temperature, thinking about going for a ride

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?

My Space Page and my sons my space, it’s his birthday!! Yea

9. What are you wearing?

You really want to know?? Underwear and a polo shirt. When I get home from work most of the clothes come off. Hey.. you asked!!

10. Did you dream last night?

Yes. But I can’t remember, I know they were good dreams though.

11. When did you last laugh?

5 minutes ago when my daughter was sending a comment to my son Josh

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?

One large window, Huge family picture collage, running medals, Chinese straw hat, Angels, Fairies, butterflies

13. Seen anything weird lately?

My kids being really nice to their parents.. Still trying to figure out what they want

14. What do you think of this quiz? K, I guess

15. What is the last film you saw? The latest Indiana Jones flick, interesting, I think there’s a hidden message in it. Well,,, it’s not so hidden

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?

I’d get together with Danion Brinkley and build one of those centers he wrote about, After I got out of debt of course

17. Tell me something about me that you dunno.

I pulled a max klinger to get out of the military, Those of you who watched MASH will know what I’m talking about

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? I would want the human species to evolve.

19. This was blank so I’m making one up. Favorite song.. Currently Johanna from Sweeney Todd but my favorite song always changes

20. George Bush. Worse President the United States has ever had.

Well…. I think he’s a very bad president

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Spring

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? Joshua, that’s what we called him

23. Would you ever consider living abroad? Yes, I would live anywhere I could. In fact that millionaire question I would travel every where. I absolutely love going to new places

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Going to San Fran


I'm going to San Francisco for the week for some training related to my job. Not that I have been posting much and I apologize. I guess things have been really busy and I have to start writing things down more. During the day I'll think of something and think "I want to post that" and when I get home and in front of the PC I say to myself "what did I want to post again?". I'm taking my daughters camera with me so hopefully I'll have some nice pics also.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Josh's Poem

My son Josh wrote a poem which I really enjoyed. He's 16 and, I think, is very talented. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

His eyes glistened in the twilight,

His sights; saturated with serene surroundings

The flowers, all white, glowed in the pre dusk lighting

and the entire setting was cascaded by an enchanting


The air was calm and still and permeated a comfort beyond


An orb of water formed on his lashes and dropped.

It’s twin plummeted after, followed by a modest stream,

down his cheek.

As it flowed, it dispelled all stress that clung to him

He passed trees that were displayed in a curious manner

between the street lamps and emanations of the unseen sunset.

Much was going on but there was no noise.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Sweeney Todd and Stuff

Below is a tune for Sweeney Todd the movie. We just saw it, excellent plot but I think too graphic for my taste. Too Bad because I think it would have won some awards if good ole tim burton would've toned it down some. Pam is doing great and we're off to the Whiskey Row Half marathon this weekend, afterwards a little romp to flagstaff. Finally back home where I'm seriously considering buying a Harley.... I leave you with "Joahanna". Hope you like it

Blessings and have a wonderful weekend

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hi There!!!

Well, I just want to thank everyone for their well wishes for my wife. She's recovery nicely and doing very well. She just passed on of her college classes and we're that much closer for her entrance into the nursing program. She's currently a LPN and wants to be an RN and then a nurse practitioner. You go girl!!! So we're celebrating a little...... We're just hanging out now listening to Maroon 5 and I figured I'd catch up and put up a posting. Allot has happen since my last post and I'm trying to figure a way of posting everything in some sort of order. Right now I just feel like writing down whatever comes to mind so please forgive me and bear with me.

Now we're listening to Savage Garden and I feel like Chillin. Did you ever hear "Truly, Madly, Deeply"? I think it is the most beautiful love song ever written. Se La Vi

Hope you're doing well.
i Leave with a smile


Thursday, April 10, 2008


My wife is going in for surgery tomorrow. She has a hernia that has to be repaired. Apparently this was cause by a surgery she had several years back. I'm concerned about the whole deal but this is what she wants. The last year I had worked as the technical resource for an IT project in a hospital OR. I've seen many operations and I'm fascinated by them. One of the things I wonder is how technically we've come so far but utilized such archaic practices to cure issues of the body. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the great work that's done, I just see a disparity in technology and focus. I cannot wait for the day where main stream medical practices looks at the whole person in diagnosing and curing rather than just the visible symptom. Just my thoughts, I'll let ya know how everything went.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Feeling for Tucson

Good Morning;

Lately my wife has been getting a calling for Tucson AZ. We currently are living in Phoenix AZ. It's funny because all along we've been going to Sedona and Flagstaff which is in the northern part of AZ. I've been so wowed by Sedona that I have expressed interest in moving there someday.

I've been teasing my wife that if we move it's gonna be to Sedona. But truth be said when I settle myself and meditate, I get the feeling that Tucson is where we're supposed to be now. We visited Tucson about two weeks ago, we're planning on going back this weekend.

I'll keep ya updated


Monday, March 31, 2008

Please be careful

I noticed lately posts like the one below

Blogger Kagahn said...

See please here

Please be careful, they're shortcuts to programs that install trojans on your PC. Pretty clever but unfortunately forces some people to be a little more paranoid.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

A meme

Grabbed this meme from Titania's "Finding Life's Enchantments" Enjoy

1. What time did you get up this morning? 4:30 AM
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. Last movie you saw in the theater? Harry Potter, the last one

4. What is/are your favorite TV shows? My name is Earl, Dirty Jobs, ESPN
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Oatmeal, coffee
6. What is your middle name? Don’t have one really, unless confirmation name counts that’s Joseph
7. What food do you dislike? Brussel Sprouts
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? My latest mix of music.
9. What kind of car do you drive? Subaru Outback

10. Favorite sandwich? Gacaumole, with peppers on tortilla

11. What characteristics do you despise? Being demeaning

12. Favorite item of clothing? My running shoes

13. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Everywhere

14. What color is your bathroom? Beige

15. Favorite brand of clothing? Don’t care about brands except for my running shoes which are Asics.
16. Where would you want to retire? If I were to ever retire, we talked about central park west in NYC
17. Most memorable birthday? My 35th. People at work and family made it nice

18. Favorite sport to watch? Auto Racing

19. Furthest place you are sending this to? PA
20. Who do you expect to respond? Anyone who wants

21. Person you expect to respond first? Anyone who wants
22. Favorite saying? You have the ability to do anything or be anything you want
23. When is your birthday? September
24. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning
25. What is your shoe size? 10
26. Pets? 2 dogs
27. What did you want to be when you were little? An Airplane pilot

28. What are you today? Career wise I’m a computer guy

29. What is your favorite candy? Hershey Almond

30. Your favorite flower? Marigolds
31.What is a day on the calendar you are really looking forward to? No One in particular
32. What are you listening to right now? MY kids watching “Yo Mama on MTV”
33. What was the last thing you ate? Rice and Gacaumole
34. Do you wish on stars? Always do

35. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I’d be a rainbow crayon

36. What is your pet peeve? Virgos have many, I think being untidy

37. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My Wife.
38. Do you like the person/people you are sending this onto? Yes
39. Favorite soft drink? Seltezer and Lemon
40. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden

41. Hair Color? Brown, what’s left of it. :o)
42. Favorite day of the year? Any day with my family
43. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Bicycle.
44. Summer or winter? Both

45. Hugs or kisses? Both, Hugs make you feel warm and the kiss adds that nice tingly sensation.
46. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
47. Do you want your blog friends to carry this on? If they feel like it.
48. When was the last time you cried? When I heard a beautiful song
49. What is under your bed? My wife’s stepper.
50. Who is the friend you've had the longest? Friend Tom .
51. What did you watch on television last night? History channel Nostradamus!
53. What are you afraid of? Seeing others in pain
54. How many keys on your key ring? 2
55. How many years at your current job? 3 months

56. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
57. How many states have you lived in? Four: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Arizona

58. Do you make friends easily? Yes

59. How many folks will you send this to? Don’t know

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Earth Hour

This is an article I copied. Sorry about the advertisement

Downtown Phoenix going dark for Earth Hour

Eugene Scott
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 27, 2008 01:27 PM

From 8 to 9 p.m. Saturday, darkness will fall upon downtown Phoenix - at least that's the plan.

Phoenix is a flagship city in Earth Hour, an international event where millions will ban together to conserve energy by turning off their lights for an hour.

"The city's become very interested in green and sustainable processes and projects, because saving energy saves money on the bottom line, and we need to be good stewards of the public dollars," said Cynthia Seelhammer, Phoenix's deputy city manager.

Regardless of one's opinions on global warming and climate change, conserving energy makes fiscal sense and saves taxpayer money, she said.

The World Wildlife Fund, one of the world's largest environmental organizations, is hosting the event to make people more aware of their impact on the environment.

Phoenix was chosen as a leader in the effort and will turn off all of the power of its downtown city run buildings.

"It sounds easy, but its kind of sticky, when you're talking about big, tall buildings, ball parks and convention centers," said Leslie Aun, spokesperson for the World Wildlife Fund in the U.S. "There's a whole electrical system that really isn't designed to be turned on or off. So to actually pick a specific time in the day and have all of these buildings go off at the same time is quite a logistical challenge."

The first Earth Hour took place in Australia in 2007. More than 2 million people and 2,000 businesses participated by turning off their lights, she said.

"It was such a big deal that the World Wildlife Fund decided to take it to a global platform here in the U.S.," Aun said.

Given the complexity of darkening a major international city's downtown area, the event caught the attention of the world.

When city officials contacted the World Wildlife Fund, they were told that the organizers were looking for a flagship city in the Mountain Time zone. The Fund wanted a major city in each of the U.S.'s continental time zones to participate in Earth Hour and Phoenix was chosen.

The city has a genuine commitment to improving the environment, Aun said.

"We didn't want to go to a place where there was a mayor who though climate change wasn't real," she said. "Sort of our benchmark was, 'is it a city that has a skyline that will be impressive if you darken it? A community that is willing to coalesce around an issue?'"

The other flagship cities are San Francisco, Chicago and Atlanta.

"What's really been wonderful is the way this thing has taken on a life of its on. Not only are we seeing huge participation in the flagship cities. We now have 31 additional US cities to say, 'hey, we want to do it, too, in one way or another,'" Aun said.

Some of the other major cities participating include Honolulu, Charlotte, Denver, St. Louis and Miami.

But Earth Hour isn't limited to city buildings. Businesses, neighborhoods and others have chosen to participate. The city has notified residents about the event via email, newsletter, websites and the telephone message systems.

Candlelight dinners

Stoudemire's Downtown will not only turn off its lights during this peak time for restaurants, but plans to offer an candlelit, economically-friendly menu.

Waiters wearing glow sticks will serve everything from all-natural beef strip loin to an Eco'tini, featuring organic vodka, green tea and an edible orchid.

"It's for a good cause and we just wanted to participate in that," said Alison Bolstad, event coordinator for the downtown Phoenix restaurant. "If we were going to show people the importance of saving the environment, we thought we'd just add something to go along with it."

Bolstad said the response has been encouraging and that they are still accepting reservations for their Earth Hour dinner.

While officials in Australia said their energy use during Earth Hour 2007 decreased as much as 10 percent, organizers don't expect this year's event to make a major difference in climate change. Earth Hour is mainly symbolic, Aum said.

"It's a big issue that transcends race and religion and all the things that connect and divide us," she said. "We don't want Earth Hour to end at 9. We want it to continue to the next year."