Monday, July 27, 2009

Wow, I've been gone for a long time!!!!

Wow, I've been gone for a long time! I just looked at my last post and I was amazed! I don't know why but I have gone through a dry spell in my blogging. I cannot explain why, I only know that I did not feel like blogging. I would go to the site and want to write something but nothing came out.

The reason I'm writing now is because many things have happened and I guess I feel inspired again. I hope to write about these changes in future post but I will just go over them briefly here.

I found a new Job and I am very excited about it

My Son has graduated high school and is starting college and on top of that I think we are both working to stregthen our relationship. I cna't even begin to describe my joy and happiness at this

My wife is going back to school to get her BSN and her RN

we just moved into a new house

My girls are going to school together at Metro Arts, a good Arts charter school

We decided to stay in Arizona (for now) :o)

Josh and I joined Habitat for Humanity 


Monday, March 30, 2009

The Divine Matrix

I've been reading this really interesting and wonderful book called the Divine Matrix written by Gregg Braden. I have heard about Greg and how he has utilized his scientific background to research and prove allot of spiritual beliefs. Initially I didn't pay it any mind thinking how can a scientific mind understand emotion and spirituality? From reading this book I have felt more love and understanding than ever before. For me, being a techy nerd myself, everything makes more sense. And now since I understand it in my head, I can feel it in my heart.

You can also look this up on youtube if you feel adventurouse!!

Blessings and Luv

Thursday, March 19, 2009

THINKING - Need to catch Up

Sorry I haven't posted in quite awhile. Think I needed some time and a change for a little bit. I have allot I want to write about. Hopefully I'll be able to put it into words.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Going Mobile!!!!! Again

We have decided to move again!!! We're going back east. Currently we're looking at North Carolina but we're are leaving ourselves open to just about anything. I can't quite pinpoint what it is, call it "a calling, a yearning, a feeling; All I know is I have this intense feeling to move back east.

Arizona is beautiful and I have discovered a new appreciation for the outdoors and nature. This land of big sky is truly remarkable. But I do miss the change of seasons, the green and the trees. It's amazing when I lived in Pa how I took all of that for granted.

It's funny I feel the excitement of a child opening their first gift. I didn't realize how much I missed it. The only thing I have to do now is be patient (which I have a very hard time doing). I have been to three interviews already and they have been offered to someone else. Although frustrated, I have learbed from all three. I know it will happen when it's suppose to happen, I just have to keep reminging myself. :o)

hoping your well


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Miscellaneouse ramblings

in a state of influence from a liquid we created (smirnoff ice) to let go of the ego mind or better yet to release us from it.

My oldest duaghter told me the other day that she was told by some other art students that you are not an artist unless you do drugs. This got me pretty upset, even though I knew what they were trying to say I didn't like the message. I did my fare amount of substances when I was younger. I did some really intense writing during these episodes. When I woudl review my writing I was impressed by the honesty and lack of inhibition. So I would understand why someone would make a statement like "you're not an artist unless you do drugs". But... you don't need to do drugs to be an artists. the beautiful thing about being an artist is that an artists communicates from a different perspective and medium. Some are better when they do drugs but many are without doing drugs. I am not saying that you need to or not need to do drugs, Even though I do not like them I think that is an individual preference. WHat I'm saying is that drugs do not the artist make. The artist is you whether you do drugs or not. The beauty that is us through our expression is what makes us artists. Like anything else, some of us are better than others but that doesn't diminish our own ability to express what we feel. It just means that those who can dothis more easily are called artist. Just like those who can run faster are called athletes. Everyone can run, just some people can run faster and farther.

any who.. those are my miscellaneouse ramblings for the day
