Wow, I've been gone for a long time! I just looked at my last post and I was amazed! I don't know why but I have gone through a dry spell in my blogging. I cannot explain why, I only know that I did not feel like blogging. I would go to the site and want to write something but nothing came out.
The reason I'm writing now is because many things have happened and I guess I feel inspired again. I hope to write about these changes in future post but I will just go over them briefly here.
I found a new Job and I am very excited about it
My Son has graduated high school and is starting college and on top of that I think we are both working to stregthen our relationship. I cna't even begin to describe my joy and happiness at this
My wife is going back to school to get her BSN and her RN
we just moved into a new house
My girls are going to school together at Metro Arts, a good Arts charter school
We decided to stay in Arizona (for now) :o)
Josh and I joined Habitat for Humanity