Monday, March 30, 2009

The Divine Matrix

I've been reading this really interesting and wonderful book called the Divine Matrix written by Gregg Braden. I have heard about Greg and how he has utilized his scientific background to research and prove allot of spiritual beliefs. Initially I didn't pay it any mind thinking how can a scientific mind understand emotion and spirituality? From reading this book I have felt more love and understanding than ever before. For me, being a techy nerd myself, everything makes more sense. And now since I understand it in my head, I can feel it in my heart.

You can also look this up on youtube if you feel adventurouse!!

Blessings and Luv

Thursday, March 19, 2009

THINKING - Need to catch Up

Sorry I haven't posted in quite awhile. Think I needed some time and a change for a little bit. I have allot I want to write about. Hopefully I'll be able to put it into words.
