Good Morning. It's 12:49 in the morning and I just woke up because of a bad dream. I usually don't have bad dreams and if I do they usually don't wake me up like this one did. The ending of the dream is what's disturbing to me and I have had this type of dream before. Since it doesn't happen often, I usually let it go over time. Someone once told me it was a "Night Tremor" but I think it's someting more. Well... here it is.
I'm in a school or orphanage and I'm a young boy; It's designed like a school but has allot of orphan kids. I'm walking around with another boy I know and we're sneaking around the dark hallways looking for something. What we're looking for I really don't know. We meet up with an older boy who has a smile I don't like. He and the boy I was walking with go into the boys bathroom to talk. I go to walk in with themn but they won't let me in. I feared something was wrong and started walking the dark hallways to try to find my way back. I was walking counterclockwise always making a left turn. The hallways were like one big square. AS I was walking I noticed there were other kids sleeping on the floor. They were sleeping on the left side of the hallway as I was walking. Everytime I would accidently brush up against one of them I felt the need to hurry up. Like somone would find out I'm there. The scene changes and I'm lying next to my wife with my arm around (I actually thought I woke up). I feel something behind me and I try to turn my head and look but I can't. My heart starts to race and I try not to panick as I notice that I can't move or talk. I try to shake my wife awake but again I cannot find the strength in as hard as I try. As I fight to move and turn I am lying on my side facing my wife. I notice a shadowy figure above my wife. (here's one of the really bizarre parts) The shadowy form is changing shape, first it looked like a rabbit and then it changed. Anything shadowy I don't consider friendly. I tried to yell but could only manage a moan. Like a deaf mute trying to depserately talk. I finally manage to wake myself and find myself in the same position as in my dream holding my sleeping wife. I wonder if I was actually moaning then I realize it wouldn't have mattered. My wife could sleep through a rock concert. Out of curiosity I feel my pulse and its normal.
That's my dream. The part about where there's something around and I can't move is the one I have experienced before. I know I experienced fear in the dream but I think it's more frustration.
I'm initially fearful becuase there's something behind me but when I decide to turn and face it I discover I can't move. This brings about more fear and frustration because I can't move.