Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day one

Like I said, I just quit my job. Feeling pretty stressed but at the same time feeling like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Been at odds with management ever since there was a change two years ago. Went from being employee of the month to Mr. Poor performer regardless of how hard I worked or what I accomplished. But I have to say....I learned allot. It forced me to look at myself and my values. I asked " Does my job define who I am?" and learned that there's more to life than work. In any case I be keeping ya posted as things develop


Anonymous said...

Best wishes on your new adventures. I understand about stepping out of the comfort zone. It does make you do some soul searching as to what you are all about. Well, you have a friend here to lend some smiles and support.

Epi said...

Thank you very much for the support Raven. It is very much apprecaited and valued.

