Thursday, September 28, 2006

The meeting and anther school dream

Well..... The meeting concerning my daughter went poorly. Firstly, I thought I having a one on one meeting with a psychiatrist and it turned out that it was a 4 on one meeting. I don't know if this happens with anyone else of school aged children but I really do not feel comfortable when the numbers are like that. When I was a manager it was a common tactic used by other managers whne they had to give an employee bad news and I never felt comfortable with it. In any case, most of the meeting was spent with them trying to convinve me my daughter was schizoid and had suicidal tendancies. I kept presenting evidence to them to the contrary but I'm the parent so my observations don't count. In the past my temper has always gotten the better of me but I remained in control throughout the ordeal. What I did experience, for the first time, was hyper ventilating and losing my breath. Fortunately I was able to catch myself and take a deep breath before it got out of control. I have to remind myself that they are also doing what they think is best but it's very difficult when you're made to feel that you don't know what you're talking about.
Had another school dream (which I'm starting to think has to do with the stress I feel on a daily basis). This one I was a student in a college. I'm going to make it short and get to the point. I was at a rally (opening day ceremony) and I noticed someone kill two other people. They saw that I saw the incident and came after me. The whole dream was me trying to get out of there and trying to convince my wife and mother in law (huh?) to believe me and take the family to safety. Huh on mom in law because her and I have a stereotypical relationship. I see the correlation between the days events and the dreams. Actually the more I reread the more sense it starts to make (the dream that is)


Anonymous said...

Good job on of your connecting your dreams with your daily events. This is awesome. I find our inner and outer worlds relfect one another. As above, so below. :o)

Sorry to hear about the meeting about your daughter. that was dirty tatics they were using. I would have been put off my the agressive gesture also. My thoughts go out to your daughter. It would be nice if society would quit rejecting those of sensitive natures. I am just guessing but form earlier posts I think she is a highly sensitve soul. It is tough being that in a bull in the China shop society. We who are HSP's do not seem to be accepted. Maybe someday they will understand our value and worth and not try to change us into what they want. My heart goes out to your daughter.

Epi said...

Thank you very much Raven. For your thoughts and support. You continue to be a great help and your insight helps me immensely. My wife spoke with someone who suggested regressive therapy. I've done some research and think that we're going to give it a try with my daughter. She is very special and I do think she's a HSP.