I'm on my street in the northeast PA mountains and I'm running around with someone (I think this person is female). We see and are chasing deer but I cannot recall why. I know we aren't hunting them, it feels like we're trying to warn them about something. We weren't succesful with the deer so I start making my way home. Walking down my street I look ahead and we're attacked by three female lions. I try to fight them off with branches made into wips but I realize it's a losing battle. Someone comes and scares them away but I realize he's not a friend.
I am told by this other person to beware and stay away from him. I run to my home at the end of the street but I know he's coming back.
In my home he arrives while I'm with this other person. We try to protect ourselves. He mocks us as we try to keep him at bay. He comes to me reaches into my torso and pulls out three glowing trinkets. They look like small (about 1 to 2 inches) stained glass ornaments with the metal edging that they have. These had a little metal tail to hold them with and they glowed white. I realize these are my dreams!!! As he takes these, he gets stronger and I get weaker. He's smiling.
I figure out that I can do this also and I am able to reach into his torso and get some dreams from him. As we're jockying I feel that I might lose this encounter. I discover that along with getting the power of these dreams I also get their weaknesses. I wake up.
OOOF! Intense dream..I'm curiose about the number 3 that popped up. I'm also curiouse about my feeling of losing. I've always been a fighter and the fear of losing just made me fight even more. But I never accepted the fact that I might lose. Maybe I been watching too much of the Matrix? ;o)
Is it possible for the personality that is you to dual with the individual that is you? I am starting to think that maybe this dream is about two sides of me. One that is getting stronger as another gets weaker. As the dream went on I did sense some fear but not intense fear which I found curiose. I'm starting to think that the dream is the personality (old me) fighting to stay in control over the individual (New me)
I agree this was an intense profound dream. You had a lot of symbolism appear in it. I think you are on the right track about this person is an aspect of yourself. I suspect it is your
shadow self that you are meeting. I have met mine and come to terms with her.But she lets me know every now and then she is stil around and will always be there.
Our shadow aspects are a normal part of ourselves. The dark side so to speak of our psyche. You can confront and console this dark side. But only when you are ready to take that journey. I think you were reaching a very primitive state of your psyche and I can sense you determination to regain balance and control.
Great dream. :o)
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