Saturday, December 30, 2006
Dream of Anger
Last night I had an interesting dream. I was in a hotel and things were not going well. I can't remember exactly what was wrong but I was deliberately being duped by the staff of this establishment and I was not happy. What made it worse was that they knew they were taking advantage of my situation and they were smiling at me about it. I could feel the anger increase in my body and in my dream my anger became so overwhelming that I lifted the building using some sort of mental powers and dropped it destroying it. Unfortunately it also hurt allot of innocent people inside. I woke up from this dream in a rather calm state of mind and I remember saying to myself, I still have allot of anger I need to get rid of. Growing up my temper was always on my sleeve. It helped me greatly as an orphan growing up on the side of the neighborhood people didn't like to go. One of the interesting parts about the dream is that as I got angry I felt powerful and strong. I felt my heartbeat increase, my muscles tighten and just an intense addictive power. I've learned that it's a deception, when you become angry even though you feel strength, it is really a sign of weakness.
As I got older it (my temper) became a real hindrance without my recognizing it. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I recognized this. I think I'm a great deal better than I was but my dream served as a reminder to me that I still need to be mindful of it. It is something that haunts me and I think will for some time. I thank my guides for bringing it to light so I don't get too confident that I've beat it. Better to lose my cool in a dream than in my awake state.
Blessings and stay calm
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Decision and Shelly's Birthday
Well, after discussing with my wife for a great length of time, I decided to turn down the position in PA. My gut tells me I need to get going to AZ and that's what we're going to do. We're putting the house up for sale and as soon as it sells we're mobile. I've never been one to wait for life. I truly think that you live life by taking the lead and going out and doing it. Like the commercial says "Just Do It". I hate to quote TV commercials but that has always been my motto. These last 6 months I have waited for something to happen that didn't occur. I do not regret it because I have learned allot about a great deal of things including myself. But now it's time to start living life again. I didn't make this decision on my own and I owe a great deal to my wife for her patience and support.
Also, today is my Shelly's Birthday party. Her Birthday was yesterday and she just turned 11. From what I understand she's officially a preteen and that's suppose to be really significant. Anyway, she's having a sleep over and my home is full of "preteen " girls doing preteen girl things. I baked a cake and totally screwed it up so we had to go to the store to buy a real cake. Cakes are not my thing I guess. She's very excited and I'm happy for her. As a parent there is nothing more wonderous (is that a word?) than your child's happiness.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Decisions and first time experience
It looks like the end of 2006 is going to be just as challenging for me as the beginning. I just received a job offer from a hospital here in PA and it's a very good position with allot of potential. Originally I was going to take the position and put off moving to AZ until this upcoming summer. Like anytime when you think you have a fool proof plan something always happens. I received another call from a hospital in AZ that is interested in me. I have spoken before with them but since I didn't here anything further I assumed the position was filled. Now I find out that I'm being considered for more than one position. Hence my quandary. I like the job in PA but I don't want to take it if AZ works out. But if I turn down PA and AZ doesn't occur our financial situation just gets worse. Stay tuned.
For my first time experience I just had an enema for the first time. I don't know if it's just me but this is a totally unnatural experience. My wife was helping me and she was laughing the whole time. The enema is recommended as part of the fast to get rid of toxins in the body. I also have to add that I am a big baby when it comes to things like this. Plenty of women have always told me that men are baby's when they're sick and I'm living proof. God bless my wife for putting up with me. We finished the enema and I'm still alive and feeling allot better. :o)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas Crystals
There was plenty of crystal gifts at our household this holidays season. My wife received a Lapis pendant. My youngest got her beloved amethyst crystal and the oldest daughter has her rose quartz. My son wasn't sure what he wanted so he got the gift certificate. Needless to so the local earth gallery is going to get a big visit from our family soon.
Just had a beautiful holiday weekend which I am very grateful for. It was wonderful. That being said I decided to start on my new years resolutions early. So today I'm starting an apple fast. Edgar Cayce has several simple fasting plans and one of them is a three day apple fast to cleanse the body of toxins. This my first true venture at attempting a fast so I'm sure it will be interesting. My goal in all of this is to start working towards getting a more alkalized based diet in my life. I've done allot of reading on the subject and decided it was time to do this. Especially if I want to get myself more aligned. I find it really amazing at how processed foods are so harmful for us and how the body continually adjust to deal with these toxins we introduce.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Eagle and My Pendulum
I was doing my 6 mile run yesterday afternoon trying out this new breathing technique that I read about. The traffic was really heavy due to the holidays shopping season and was a big distraction to my normally quiet run. Right about at my three mile turn around I saw this beautiful Bald Eagle. It was gliding in the wind and saw me. It came about 50 feet over my head circle twice and went off. What a beautiful animal it is. This is the first time I've ever seen one in flight and so close. I smiled to myself and gave thanks for the experience.
I had bought a quartz pendulum to use. The first day I had it I dropped it and it chipped the tip off. I was discouraged but decided to keep it anyway. I had cleaned it and carried with me for almost a week so it could tune itself to my energies. I decided to use it last night. First my wife, my youngest and I had a quick meditation to clear our minds. It wasn't suppose to be quick but there were too many distractions(Dog barking, phone ringing, refrigerator turning on etc). After our session I said a quick prayer and I started asking questions. Since this is my first time I have to be honest and say that I was truly amazed at how it worked. I would ask a question and I would get an answer. Near the end of the experience I could feel the energy in my hand and fingers.
I guess this was a day of multiple firsts. :o)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Bear Dream
I had another strange dream last night. I'm not a lucid dreamer but I'm starting to think that maybe I should start trying to learn that skill. I'm also learning that my initial emotions on a dream should be looked at closely because when I sit back and look at my dreams I get a different feeling than the initial ones. Here's my dream.
I'm in the south and I'm a race car driver, like for NASCAR. I'm not racing yet but there's a race coming up. I'm in the woods by a creek and a brown bear comes after me he reaches for me and sort of scratches along my back. All I can think off is don't let him get his arm around you. The Bear disappears and time moves forward a day. I'm back at the creek again but this time it's with my wife but she isn't my wife. She's someone else's wife. The bear appears again and we run to what I know is a cabin up the creek a little. We go into the cabin and lay in a bed together. Again the bear comes and reaches for me. Again my thought is don't let him get his arm around you and he scratches my back. the bear leaves and I'm laying there with her and I feel really good that she's with me. Her husband comes and says hello and she goes to talk to him and kiss him hello. There's no animosity between us and he doesn't care that she was lying with me. I have to admit though that I'm jealous she's with him but in a sad sort of way not anger. The owner of the cabin comes in and we talk and I tell him about my experience. His first question is "You didn't let him get his arm around you did you?" We talk a little and I discover he used to be a race car driver as he shows me some of his trophies. The funny thing about the owner is that he's this guy I know in real life who's a real redneck(hillbilly). I'm sorry but I don't know how else to describe him. Unfortunately he is the stereotype and even though we were pleasant to each other we really didn't like each in real life. That's where the dream ended. Originally in my dream I was afraid of the Bear. When I woke up I thought about this a great deal. Then I realized if the bear really wanted to get me, he or she would have. I'm just trying to figure now what the meaning f the bear the arm around me is?
Friday, December 22, 2006
Reading and other things
Among other things the past couple of days I've been doing a great deal of reading. Firstly I had a second interview with a technical team at a hospital so I had to review all of technical books to make sure I was ready for any questions they might give me. The interview went really well and I am expecting a call with an offer probably next week from what they told me. Secondly, my wife was nice enough to get me a number of books for Christmas (yippee). AS you have probably guessed I didn't wait until Christmas to open them. If anyone wants to get a bargain on books go to, they're great. Some books I got for 39 cents! Unfortunately for me I'm a quick reader especially if the topic interest me. Anyway, these are the books we got;
"how to uncover your past lives" Ted Andrews, "Past Lives and Future Healing" Sylvia Brown,"Friendship with God" Neal Donald Walsh,"Cyrstal Therapy" Doreen Virtue,"Hands of Light" Barbara Ann Brennen, "The Power of Intention" Wayne W. Dyer and finally "Communion with God" Neal Donald Walsh. Of course I wanted more but my wife cut me off (Good Thing). I've finished all except, communion with god, hands of light and the power of intention. And that's because I just got those three today. All the books are great and are giving me a great amount of information to ponder. So far I've enjoyed Sylvia's and Neal's books the most. I've even sat with my gang and we've taken turn reading Sylvia's book. I'm really excited about the hands of light book because I do wish to heal at some point in my life and the power of intention book is a direct result of the secret video. I could go on and on but I'll be good.
Making Progress
The picture above is from my middle child. She has a wonderful gift for finding very nice pics. Anyway we've been really busy the past couple of days getting ready for the holiday weekend so I apologize for not posting anything. I started this post talking about my daughter because my wife and I decided to take her to a regression therapy. We've been having allot of issue's with her counselors and we continually disagree on what type of treatment she should get. I'm pretty much to the point where I'm thinking of pulling her from the program and home schooling her. We spoke with a psychic and she recommended regression therapy. In any case I was able to make contact with someone in south pa near the philly area. We spoke and I am excited about getting my daughter started. I sat down and spoke with my daughter about it and she is open to doing it and I think just as excited. We're going to schedule the first session for Jan 10. I'll probably be posting about it again when the time comes.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Here's the Gang!
Here's the gang; We have been trying to get a family Christmas picture for the last week but like anything else something was always coming up. Looking at the picture now I laugh because everyone looks so happy. Like anyone with a family like mine the kids were fighting my wife and I were yelling and of course the camera wasn't working the way it was suppose to. But if things were easy, it wouldn't be as much fun. ;o)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
My Christmas Wish
The Christmas spirit has been slow in getting to me this year. I haven't been negative and I've been keeping a smile but the true joy I usually experience wasn't happening. The joy of a child is what I relate it to, a warm feeling inside that indescribable. I was listening to Christmas music and all of a sudden it came that lovely spirit of the holidays. Sitting down and writing this while I listen to the music I discovered that I have a Christmas Wish. I want to ballroom dance with my wife. Dancing is something I love and I can do it allot better than my other love (singing). I want a moment where we both can look into each others eyes and share the beauty of life together in a dance. It probably won't happen this Christmas but when it does I'll let you know. That's my Christmas wish.
Merry Christmas and Blessings
Wolf pack and our dream boards
I had a strange dream last night. I say its' strange because I have never had a dream in which I changed. I think my guides got the idea from my old friend Ravens blog and her dreams. In the beginning of the dream I am me. I don't know where I am but I want to get out of there. No panic or anything, I just know I'm working my way on getting out soon. Then everything changes and I become a wolf; I'm in what looks like a cave overhang but it's low so only animals such as myself can fit under it. I am part of a pack and there are other packs there but were not friendly with each other. Outside of the overhang I see two of the members of my pack returning and one is hurt. I tense up and signal to the other members of my pack that we have to go and help them before the others notice and attack. We're able to fend of some approachers and help our members back to our area in the overhang. I don't know what it means, all I can tell you is the great feeling of love that comes over me for me brothers and sisters of the pack. Even as I write this I feel the love.
The secret video continues to have an impact on my family. In the video one of the speakers spoke about how he created a board and put everything he wanted on that board so he could see it every morning. That inspired us, Everyone in my family went ahead and created a dream board. We spent a good amount of time on the internet trying to find pictures to our dreams. My girls and my wife created really nice looking boards with flowers and snow flakes(I'm jealous). I just created mine with some of my dreams. But none the less we all have our dreams and they're beautiful. There was another part to the video in which a guy had a gratitude rock he had in his pocket. Every time he would see it the rock reminded him to be grateful of everything he had. We're doing the same thing but with our crystals; they're prettier than rocks.
Blessings to you
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Shooting Stars and My Dream
There was another metoer shower last night. I found out about it during yesterday evenings news report. AT first I thought we were going to miss it because of clouds (Like the last one). I did one of those you wake up in your sleep moments about 12:30 AM and took a quick look out of my window, I managed to catch two shooting stars. I went to wake up my gang so we could watch them together. Only my middle one managed to get up and watch them with me. I don't blame them they were really tired and they had school. Anyway,we stayed out there for about 15 minutes and shared the moment. It was nice
I had a peculiar dream last night that I thought I would mention. I went to a job interview a couple of days ago and I did well. SO much so that they called me back for another next week. In my dream I'm at the prospective job but I do not have it yet. For some reason I end up sleeping over at the job (the Job is in hospital). I wake up and as I get up I notice something at the side of my bed that startles me. It's a black bear, Initially I'm fearful but sit up on my bed with my feet next to it. the bear gets up and walks towards the door. While walking to the door it changes to a german shephard. I think to myself that I have to get ready so I better let him out. AS I open the door I hear people in the hallway but decide to let him out anyway. End of dream. I know bear is one of my totems I'm figuring dog is also, I just can't get an explanation for the dream yet.
I friend of mine introduced us to this link below (Thank you Titania). It's an incredible 90 minute video called the secret. It is a truly profound piece of work that can be life changing if you want it to. My wife and I viewed it together and we were blown away. After much discussion we decided to let our kids watch it. We were apprehensive but decided that the positive impact would be worth it. AS they watched it we prepared ourselves for an intense discussion. The kids loved it and to our amazement, we heard some of their stories in which they had been practicing some of the things the video preached. It's well worth taking the time to view it
Learn the Secret
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Discovery the Rose of Perfect Timing
I spoke with a psychic awhile back. She told me about all these things that were going to happen in my life. It was an overwhelming amount of information but I truly appreciated and enjoyed the experience. One thing she explained to me was that before all this would happen I would have to learn patience and understand the perfect timing of the universe. I never was a patient person and was always very aggressive. Once I discovered that something had to be done or that I wanted something it was full steam ahead, Why wait??? I knew I didn't have patience and that I would have to learn it but pretty much let it go. The perfect timing thing I totally blew off, I figured yea yea if I get patience the timing thing doesn't matter. Like my old self, I ran to learn patience. For about the last 4 months it's a lesson I've been working on. They say that you truly learn a lesson when you experience a hardship and I think I am an example of that. I have learned to become more patient and recognize what I have in front of me now. It's a skill I continue to polish. But what truly fascinated me was the perfect timing of the universe which I have just discovered. I have been a spiritual journey of discovery. Every time I would come across new information or read a book I would get totally engrossed in it and was anxious to learn as much as possible. I would literally rush to get as much information as possible. For about the past two years I had this book on my coffee table that I essentially ignored. The title was interesting but that was about my interest in it. I read books from Dannion Brinkley and even had a session with him. I learned a great deal from that experience. I've read books from the Edgar Cayce foundation and spoken with different folks that broadened my experience even more. I've read a ton of books. Every time I would learn something new but would crave even more; I would have a feeling that I'm getting closer to something. Given my financial situation I could not buy anymore books nor could I purchase any sessions with other individuals that had other insights. I've reread some of the books I already had to see if I could gain more insight and some I did. Eventually being tired of rereading my books I turned to the book on my coffee table. I figured it had something to do with all the topics I've been reading about, why not. I started reading the book and what an eye opening experience it was. While reading the book I suddenly realized that I had this book for almost two years and never bothered with it. I also realized that if I had tried to read it earlier, I wouldn't have understood its message and quickly discarded it. It took my progression through all these other resources before I was ready for this book. In recognizing this I realized I had discovered the perfect timing of the universe. I do not consider this book more important than the other resources but the next sequential step in my path. For this discovery I am truly thankful.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Lessons of a child
As a parent I'm always trying to think of ways that I can help my kids learn the lessons in life the best way possible. It's always great when you see them as they start to become young adults and use the lessons that you worked so hard to teach them. A pleasant surprise I've discovered is the fact that I have learned so much from them. My children have taught me things that I never even took notice of. Without them I know I would not have the appreciation and love of life and others (and myself) that I have today. The picture above was downloaded by my middle daughter and turned into our wallpaper. I think it's one of her animal totems; Reading the meaning I'm not surprised. So this holiday season I have already received my gifts. One that doesn't need to be given at Christmas or another holiday and that can be received any day. You don't have to be a parent to receive it; Just open your hearts and minds and listen to the lessons of a child.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
New Baby !!
Just got some great news, my sister is going to have a baby. She's really excited and really nervous. I think she was apprehensive about telling folks because she's just moved to Portland is beginning a whole new life for herself. I told her not too worry because she will be a great mom. She is a very caring and sensitive person. Even though I'm the oldest I have learned allot from her caring and loving spirit. So please join me in sending Blessings
Friday, December 08, 2006
Cold Weather in Pa and Life
OOOOOFFFF! It's cold hear today!!! It was 12 overnight with a wind chill of -8!! Right now it's mid day and the thermometer is 25 degrees. My dog didn't even want to go outside today. Anyway besides being cold we got about 1/4 inch of snow and the roads froze overnight. So as you can guess driving was really exciting this morning. I haven't written much because not much has been going on that I really thought was worth writing about.
I got my water turned off for a day, yesterday, because we didn't pay it in a timely fashion. Actually we did pay over the phone but a reference number was never given so to the water company we didn't pay. Here's a piece of helpful advice; If you're gonna have your water turned off, don't do it when it's 12 degrees outside. Now I know how folks going outside in the winter felt. OOOFF! fortunately my pipes didn't freeze. For those of you who are curios, I'm talking about my house water pipes.
My youngest is doing really well with her gifts. The other day she channeled and did really well. It wasn't planned, she was having a really bad day so I setup a nice bath for her with baking soda and sea salt. Setup some candles and let her relax. Within 5 minutes she comes running out asking for a pen and paper. She received some interesting information but more importantly she was feeling allot better.
I had to take my middle daughter for some psychological test to prove she's not schizophrenic (which she isn't). It was interesting but the really nice part was that her and I got a chance to talk on the way home. I'm really amazed by how insightful and smart she is.
My oldest is going to his second party in as many weeks. My girls have really been riding him because the party's are girls birthday party's and my son is really shy. My wife and I were more excited than he was when we dropped him off at last weeks party. I have to admit, I really like being a parent.
Lastly, I'm thinking about writing a book. I have an idea about what kind of book I'm going to write but I want to play with it a little before I commit to it. I'll let ya know ;o)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Finished Reading My Book and a Little Life Lesson
I finished reading the book I had purchased. It was the book I had spoken about on my previous posting. I wrote the writer on a job well done and thanked her for writing such a great book. Usually when I read something I tend to read very fast especially if the topic really interests me. After I'm done I let the information settle in and go back and reread the book. Like looking at a picture or painting for the second time I often discover wonderful things that I missed the first time around. At the end of the book theirs a list of recommended readings. As you can guess I'm anxiously awaiting pay day so I can start purchasing them.
On other fronts we had our second game last night. It was fun and I'm finding myself not being as competitive as usual. I don't know if it's because I have other things on my mind or because being competitive isn't as important to me anymore. I continue to enjoy playing and it is a fantastic work out. In any case I had fun and the family had fun being there. I continue to work at Wal-Mart and I continue to struggle with it. It's no longer and ego issue as I have been humbled and it no longer matters to me. But what I have discovered is that one has to do what one truly enjoys. I enjoy being a tech and right now I would become a tech even if it meant taking less pay. I now truly understand what so many preach but not so many pay attention to. As a culture we are so obsessed with making more so we could buy more that finding one's true calling is overlooked. So do what you enjoy and don't worry about the money. For me it took working at Wal-Mart before I realized this lesson. Hopefully I can prevent others from experiencing such extremes before learning this little life lesson.
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