I spoke with a psychic awhile back. She told me about all these things that were going to happen in my life. It was an overwhelming amount of information but I truly appreciated and enjoyed the experience. One thing she explained to me was that before all this would happen I would have to learn patience and understand the perfect timing of the universe. I never was a patient person and was always very aggressive. Once I discovered that something had to be done or that I wanted something it was full steam ahead, Why wait??? I knew I didn't have patience and that I would have to learn it but pretty much let it go. The perfect timing thing I totally blew off, I figured yea yea if I get patience the timing thing doesn't matter. Like my old self, I ran to learn patience. For about the last 4 months it's a lesson I've been working on. They say that you truly learn a lesson when you experience a hardship and I think I am an example of that. I have learned to become more patient and recognize what I have in front of me now. It's a skill I continue to polish. But what truly fascinated me was the perfect timing of the universe which I have just discovered. I have been a spiritual journey of discovery. Every time I would come across new information or read a book I would get totally engrossed in it and was anxious to learn as much as possible. I would literally rush to get as much information as possible. For about the past two years I had this book on my coffee table that I essentially ignored. The title was interesting but that was about my interest in it. I read books from Dannion Brinkley and even had a session with him. I learned a great deal from that experience. I've read books from the Edgar Cayce foundation and spoken with different folks that broadened my experience even more. I've read a ton of books. Every time I would learn something new but would crave even more; I would have a feeling that I'm getting closer to something. Given my financial situation I could not buy anymore books nor could I purchase any sessions with other individuals that had other insights. I've reread some of the books I already had to see if I could gain more insight and some I did. Eventually being tired of rereading my books I turned to the book on my coffee table. I figured it had something to do with all the topics I've been reading about, why not. I started reading the book and what an eye opening experience it was. While reading the book I suddenly realized that I had this book for almost two years and never bothered with it. I also realized that if I had tried to read it earlier, I wouldn't have understood its message and quickly discarded it. It took my progression through all these other resources before I was ready for this book. In recognizing this I realized I had discovered the perfect timing of the universe. I do not consider this book more important than the other resources but the next sequential step in my path. For this discovery I am truly thankful.
Congrat Epi! I too have the same problem. It must be the human condition to want things immediately Especially as Americans in our fast paced society.
It is true the Universe has it's very own time table.
Stop by and see my blog when you have a chance. It is a breath of fresh air. ;O)
Thank you titania. You're right about your sight. it is a new evolution of you. A wonderful breath of fresh air
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