Saturday, January 06, 2007


Good Morning... We have a steady rain in Northeast PA but I hear it's suppose to clear up and get into the high 60's. This years weather so far definitely makes me think about global warming.

My daughter came back from her first day of school yesterday with a big smile. We talked for awhile and she told me how her day went. It went really well and I was proud of her. She was pretty nervous throughout the day. So much so that when she got her new locker she locked the combination in it. She told me she felt like crying but she didn't and went to the teacher for help. I'm happy with the fact that she allowed herself to make a mistake and went and asked for help. Her regression therapy is this Tuesday and unfortunately I will not be able to make it but my wife is going with her. I'll keep everyone updated.

It was a good day yesterday. I told my wife about the job interview and she also spoke to Nicole about her day so we had allot to smile about and be grateful for. We spoke with our Realtor concerning our home (up above) and we're waiting on a couple of folks. By the way I don't know if you can see it but by the side of my house is one of my joys. My bike. For me it's meditation on two wheels. Anyway we also looked at houses in phoenix and I'm scheduled to look at a couple while I'm there for the interview.

I had a situation yesterday where I realized something about myself. Over the past year I have learned allot and, I think, become a more grounded and spiritual person. I got into a discussion with a person yesterday where I felt the need to be right. I noticed it during the conversation but continued. It was a good conversation and I learned allot from it. Most importantly I realized that even though I have been looking within and have established a foundation for myself, I still have to go out to the world and live life. I'm thinking that for me that is the way I need to go in order to keep growing.



Tawnya Shields said...

I talked to my mom last night and she told me that it is very warm up in PA. I agree that global warming is real and we all as a human race need to start taking this serious. The geese down here are so confused they do not know which way to fly. I have flowers coming up and even in the south that is too soon.

Glad you daughter did well on her first day back!

Just a thought on your daughter's regression... could it be taped for you to listen to later? I know some of them do that.

Have a great weekend.

Epi said...

Yea it's warm up here. I'm glad Nicole did well also. I also forgot she went to her first party yesterday. So it was definitely a day of firsts. This regressionist tapes her sessions also that gave me some comfort in not being there. My wife will be there but like I said earlier I am a worrier sometimes.
