Sunday, April 01, 2007

letting go

The weekend is almost over and I have to say I enjoyed it thoroughly. I didn't do much in terms of going out. I spent it with my wife and kids and we did a bunch of things that needed to be done around the house. I promised myself that I wound not let work consume my weekend and I kept my promise. I spent only an hour at work and my wife went with me to help and keep me to my commitment to myself.

I started reading two books, one is flipping houses for dummies and the other is the unmistakable touch of Grace by Cheryl Richardson. Of course I'm really getting into the spiritual book and really want to finish the book in one reading. But that's not how the book was meant to be read (sigh). AT the end of each chapter there are exercises to reinforce what was communicated in that chapter. I'll probably be posting those communications as I go further in the book.

Which kinda brings me to the title of todays post. I've read many books (and probably will read many more); one theme I am discovering in these books is learning the ability to let go and follow the flow of life to your own path. Let go of worry and know that you are meant to experience you will experience. I am still working on this and even though I have progressed some I know I still have some ways to go. Every time I think I have it figured out and I'm letting go, something more challenging comes along to test me. That's probably the way it's supposed to be but ooof! But the times I have let go I have been amazed at how things start popping up that help me. It is totally amazing to see how it works. When we were moving to AZ we had no money what so ever to move. We figured it would cost at least 5000 dollars for the move and also another 3000 to rent a house with a down payment. I was very worried and it was affecting me very adversely. Finally, after reading one of those books, I decided to let go and stop worrying. To trust that things were going to work out. In two weeks my wife got a credit card that helped with the initial payment of the moving agency. By the end of the 4th week my employer offered me a position which included money to assist in the move. This covered the rest of the moving costs and the house. That night as I went to sleep I was amazed and extremely grateful.



Josh said...

I think it's hard to trust our Spirits and let things go. Most of the time, it's because we want to take control ourselves.

Tawnya Shields said...

Letting go is hard for me also. A good point you made is that as soon as you let go and learn one thing, anothre comes right after. This school can be darn tough at times. :o)

Blessings to you.
I think you are doing a very good job.

Epi said...

Josh I understand totally. I used to be such the control freak. I would worry about everything and if I gave an assignment to someone, I would worry that they wouldn't do it right.but I learned the more control I got the more I wanted. Control to me was an illusion and a yearning that's never fulfilled. Now I'm no Gandhi but I have learned to start to let go and I've been amazed at the result and how I've been able to accomplish what I wanted. Thank you for your comments.

Titania you are so right! This school can be tough and sometimes I want play hookie but I won't :o) Thank you for your support, it is deeply appreciated
