Thursday, May 31, 2007

Being Sick

I'm sick and it really stinks. I felt myself getting sick the other day and I did something I normally don't do. I went to the doctors trying to head this of before it got worse. Well the doc was totally convinced that it was allergies... It's not... I'm thinking sinusitis. I've had it enough times before to know the symptoms. It's really tough trying to be positive when you feel like crap. But I'm still trying. :o)

Hoping that you are doing well


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Driving with my Thoughts

Have you ever noticed that there are times when you're doing something and you leave your mind open to thought? For example when you're driving in your car all alone. Even if you're listening to music you're usually thinking about something. Because of all the new information I've been exposed to with respect to positive thought I started to take notice of what I was thinking about. I realized that a majority of this ,I call it free thought time, I was thinking about negative things. Anything negative you name it, Bills, issues at the job, kids acting up, worrying about the future, worrying about the past, etc.....

I was totally amazed at how much time I spent thinking negative thoughts and worrying about things I have no control over!! So! I've decided to change things. Now whenever I catch myself doing this I consciously decide to stop it. If it's a bill, I tell myself that it will be resolved and change my thought to something that brings a smile to me. If it's a family issue, I remind myself how lucky I am to have such a great family and such love in my life. You get the picture. I've come to notice that because of this I am enjoying things more and starting to notice how more positive things are happening in my life.

Maybe those positive things were there before and it just took a little change in my outlook for me to notice them. Or maybe I'm creating more positive experiences through a change in my thoughts. In either case I know longer have that worried look and usually can cruise with a smile as I go driving with my thoughts


Monday, May 28, 2007

Return to Innocence

Here's a song from Enya and Enigma. I put the lyrics below because I think they ring so true.

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Thats not the beginning of the end
Thats the return to yourself
The return to innocence.
Love - devotion
Feeling - emotion
Love - devotion
Feeling - emotion
Dont be afraid to be weak
Dont be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself dont hide
Just believe in destiny
Dont care what people say
Just follow your own way
Dont give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
Thats not the beginning of the end
Thats the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Dont care what people say
Follow just your own way
Follow just your own way
Dont give up, dont give up
To return, to return to innocence.
If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself dont hide
Just believe in destiny.

8 Random Facts

I was tagged by my friend Titania for this. I think when you're tagged you have to go and do whatever your tagged with so here goes. This was a great deal harder than I thought!

1. I entered a catholic orphanage at age 6 and was a ward of the state until I graduated High School at age 17

2. At one time I only knew how to speak Spanish, I taught myself to speak English by age 7 and totally forgot Spanish by age 9. Besides simple phrase relearned in H.S. Spanish class I cannot remember anything

3.I had a motorcycle accident at age 24, got thrown by the bike and it landed on my head and split my helmet. got a concussion by the rest of me was good.

4.I was a bicycle messenger in NYC in the heyday of bike messenging. Made a decent living and had fun running from the cops. I would get caught from time to time and get tickets but ignored them. after all they were bicycle tickets.

5.After a couple of accidents on the bicycle I became a cab driver. More money, less accidents and less tickets.

6. At, I think age 5, I lost total use of my legs. No one could figure out why but I could not walk. Finally my mother brought in a Shaman and she did her stuff for a day. It didn't work that day and I thought she was a joke. The next day, I was walking.

7. After I was married and decided I needed to settle myself down I decided to become a NY State Trooper. During my interview I saw the trooper coming down the hallway with a computer printout dragging about 3 feet behind him. It was the tickets I got as a bike messenger. I think it was 123 tickets. I didn't become a trooper.

8.During my days of going to college I would go cross country with my friend Jimmy. It was allot of fun and met allot of great and not so great people.

Gilligans Island

Had another race this weekend. It was a 5k and it was pretty nice. It was in this park on the southern end of Phoenix. It was really cool because the park had allot of ponds and palm trees and it looked like the lagoon on gilligan's island. I'm hoping that most of you that read this know about Gilligans Island (really hoping). My gang helped at the water stop and it was really cool seeing them their when I really needed support and water. What a wonderful metaphor huh? Though I would say they're more than my water stop, more like Oasis.:o) As usual the energy at events such as this is wonderful and contagious. Wish I could bottle it an hand it out to people who needed it most. I ran a good race and at the pace I expected (about an 8:43 mile). I might actually hook up with a group that offers personal trainers. It's at a cost but I've never tried something like that and it's worth a shot. Hoping everyone is enjoying this weekend.



Here's one of Linkin Parks latest "Faint" I really enjoy their tunes because of the passion and emotion!! Pretty intense! Of course the gang likes it too. It's pretty funny all of us banging our heads back and forth.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Look

I've made some amazing discoveries over the past 9 months and have learned allot about life and myself. I figured it was time for a little change on the ol blog to reflect the new me. My deepest and most profound love and thank you to those who have taken the time to read and also share their comments on the postings.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007



I'm in a tunes mood today... Below is Gorillaz latest hit. The kids and I luv it and you all might recognize it from one of the Apple commercials.

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NYC Half

I am sooooooooooooooooooo pumped!!!! I just found out that I was just selected to run the NYC Half in August and it has made my day. There were so many entrants that they made it a lottery (I think about 100 thousand) and the power of intent allowed me the opportunity to run it this year. So I am happy not just for being able to run but because it is just another validation in our ability to create our own reality. Wow!! Is that a powerful statement or what??!!!

Last NameFirst NameEntry NumberAccepted?AgeCityProvinceCountry of ResidencyTeam
United StatesMCNY
OrtizChristopher177030YESM28NEW YORK
United StatesCUMC
OrtizDennis143781YESM31NEW YORK
United States
OrtizEdna149908YESF35NEW YORK
United States
United States

For those who don't know I'm a runner and I love running distance. I've run at least 1 marathon every year for the last4 years and last year I ran 2. I usually run an average of 6 half marathons but all the excitement this year has slowed me down. My plan this year is to run 4 marathons and also to qualify for the Boston Marathon. So my goals are pretty high this year and I'm excited about the challenge.

So blessings and light to you and I hope that your news is as joyous as mine

Monday, May 21, 2007

The New Spirituality

My daughter asked me to make more frequent post so I found a doozy!!

Below is a posting from Neal Donald Walsch from his weekly newsletter. I have read many of his books and what I hear him write and say rings very true with my core being. I feel like a new path is unfolding before me and I am excited and scared at the same time at the thought of following this new discovery. Hence I wanted to share this with you. Blessings

We are embarking on a period during which humanity will create a new understanding of who God is, and what God wants. You and I will be creating that together in the days and weeks, months and years just ahead.

These are the days of the New Spirituality, and they are already here. It is now just a question of the expansion of this energy. In the amazing book What God Wants I was told what we could look for during this time. I was particularly interested in the subject of death, because I believe that the fear of death, and of God's possible wrath after death, is what creates so much dysfunction during our lives.

What God Wants says that when we have created our new understanding of God, in the days of the New Spirituality, humans will understand that death does not exist. They will know that our opportunity to learn and to grow is never over and that the time to be rewarded or punished for how we lived our lives will never come, because life is not a Reward & Punishment proposition, but rather, a process of continuous and unending growth, expansion, self-expression, self-creation, and self-fulfillment.

Death will be understood to be simply and only a transition—a glorious shifting in the experience of the soul, a change in our level of consciousness, a freedom-giving, pain-releasing, awareness-expanding breakthrough in the eternal process of evolution.

One result of this teaching: Many humans will know that death is not something to be feared, but a wonderful part of the wonderful experience called Life Itself.

People will talk about death freely and without undo sadness. People will not feel compelled to cling to life when they are suffering and dying, because they’ll know that there is nothing BUT life, and so there is no reason to cling to The Only Thing There Is. Endless suffering at the conclusion of one’s time in a particular physical form will no longer be demanded or required as a matter of spiritual integrity, any more than it’s required of other life forms. This does not mean that ending one’s own life as a means of escape from particular difficulties or sadness will be or is encouraged. It will be understood that life in one’s present physical form is a wondrous gift, and no one will ever wish to toss it away in order to sidestep its challenges, but will understand at the deepest level that it may be used in order to experience who we really are.

In this and in many other ways, personal lives will be remarkably different when humans create a new spirituality.

Imagine personal relationships with all others that are no longer need-based, but emerge more profoundly from an experience of personal fulfillment, personal power, and the personal expression of the highest thought about one’s self and others that resides within everyone!

Imagine romance that exudes not from the thought that you “can’t live without” someone, but from the awareness that the expression and experience of your fullest and highest and grandest Self is not dependent on any other person, but enriches every person whose life you touch immensely, allowing you to truly love from a place of giving!

Imagine a career and work that feels more like joy and the celebration of the highest and best within you, and the happiest experience of Who You Are!

Imagine a life without fear of God and without guilt over the tiniest infraction of what you imagine to be God’s Rules!

Imagine the freedom of soul and mind and body that would be experienced when you understand at last that you really are One with God! Imagine the power that you would experience—the power to create the life of your dreams, and to assist others in creating theirs!

Imagine the end to frustrations and anxieties and worries about tomorrow, to say nothing of the sadness and bad feelings that can’t seem to be shaken about things that happened yesterday, when you realize that nothing can go wrong, that all things are perfect just as they are, that God does not require anything different from you except exactly what you are being, exactly what you are doing, and exactly what you are having right now!

Finally, imagine experiencing the awe and wonder of life, expressing through you, AS you in your day-to-day moments, because of your wonderfully expanded awareness.

This is just a taste of what life could be like in the days of the new spirituality, and you don’t have to wait for all of humanity to create that experience collectively. All people can begin to create it individually for themselves, and in the lives of those whose lives they touch. That is, in fact, what life invites you to do!

It’s what God is calling you to do right now.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

What the Bleep do we know?

At our Reiki Class my wife and I discovered a coupe of folks talking about a new movie that is out. It's called "What the bleep do we know?" It's a film not unlike the secret but deals with the subject more more in terms of pure metaphysics discussions. That's not to say that the secret wasn't about meta physics but for me the secret I felt more on a personal level(soul level). What the Bleep I felt more at a mind level even though they are saying similar things. Their website is

Anyway we went to our local blockbuster and discovered they were out of it. Apparently it has become very popular. Since I really wanted to see it and tend to be very focused on a goal I allowed the young sales clerk to sign us up for that on line deal. We got the movie delivered in 3 days and watched it with our kids. The Movie didn't have the impact of the secret but was an excellent movie. There's a part about water that I don't want to give away that I thought was totally fascinating and amazing.

The movie for me has become another reinforcement of some of the things I have learned over the past year. That is that we are beautiful kindred souls (all of us) and that we have the power to create our own realities in life. The only thing holding ourselves back is ourselves! AMAZING!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Using what we Learn

It's funny just how much I've been rediscovering lately and learning. One thing about me is when I get excited about something my patience goes out the window and I want to do as much as I can now and affect as much as possible. I've learned to keep it under control but the impulses are always there.

Recently I've started to learn how to reconnect with myself; I'm learning how to stay centered and keep a positive perspective. This has really excited me and I want to run out to the world and share this with anyone and everyone! Whoooooaaaaa ! Hold on there Ep!!! Like I said my excitement gets the best of me. So much so that I really want to change jobs and start doing something more in line with teaching people.

I know I can't do it like that but I realize that this is where my heart and soul want to be. So I'm starting to create a gameplan to make that happen. The other thing I realized though is that even though I want to make a career change I have to put this new found knowledge to work in my everyday life. Sooooooo in my every day life, I'm smiling more, looking at situations with a different perspective and learning to drop that defense mechanism when things don't go so well and folks tend to run for cover. The great part is that it's working......By keeping myself open, loving and positive, I'm affecting positive changes around me. Now I'm not perfect nor am I a saint. I'm still very rough and have many weaknesses; But I'm ecstatic because now I know I have open the gate to my new path and I'm learning. And more importantly I'm taking what I learn and putting it to use


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Family Day

Let me start by saying Happy Mothers Day to all of you Moms. We love you all and we all owe you an immense debt of gratitude.

Today was my first official race in Arizona. It was an 8k which is about 5 miles. I didn't do as well as I would have liked to but I learned allot. One thing I learned was man it is hot out here!!!!! That sun just bakes you!! I'm used to trees and some type of cover in the east. There is no such thing here. I felt like a piece of bacon on a frying pan. But I finished and that was great. What was also great was all the energy from all the people involved. I love to run for my own benefit in terms of health and goals; but I also love the people, the support and the atmosphere of people cheering you on and helping one another. I often wonder why we can't carry this over into our day to day lives. Even though I admire the athletes who finish in the front. I truly admire those in the back. Who struggle but keep going regardless of what place they are in. To see such drive in folks truly inspires me!!! OK , OK, I'm starting to ramble.

My whole gang was there including my darling wife. I love them for coming and cheering me on and I appreciate it more than they will ever know. One of the things I have learned over the past couple of years is just how truly blessed I am with my family. I took them for granted for so long until one day I almost lost them. Now I bless every day I am with them and they with me.

So the kids went with mom to pick out her moms day gifts and when they came home I cooked them all a nice dinner. Ya know, Salmon, Shrimp and Pam's favorite Alaskan King Crab. That was our mothers day and our family day.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

What's up Doc?

I haven't posted for awhile and I apologize due to allot going on lately. So I figured I would post today about what's up with me and my family. My youngest child just tried out for the soccer team and made it. We are proud of her not only for making the team but also for taking the initiative and finding a team and finding out when their practices are. My middle one is in a play this week and has been practicing hard for her part. My oldest is coming into his own and developing into a fine young man. He's even getting facial hair. We call him Shaggy because he looks just like Scooby's friend.

My beautiful wife just got eye surgery so she doesn't have to wear glasses. I'm really pumped because she does have beautiful eyes and her glasses always hid that. I'll post a picture sometime soon, if she lets me.

Myself, I feel like I'm growing leaps and bounds spiritually. I have this warm intense feeling growing inside of me and I want to go and share it with everyone I meet. I know that I probably will not be able to keep this feeling for long; at least not for now. But I think part of my growth is to learn to keep this alive in me longer and longer until it doesn't go away anymore. Each time sharing it with others to show them that life truly is wonderful and that they can feel the same. To understand and spread love.

Anyway, that's what's up Doc...I hope you're also discovering the wonder and Love in your life


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Reikki Healing and other sutff

My wife and I attended a Reikki Healing Class today. We're officially Reikki Healing Level 1 folks. The class was really interesting and we had a good small group of people. In fact I think I was more interested in the people in my class than the material being taught at certain times. In any case we learned the basics of how to channel Reikki Energy to help align and heal others. We got to practice on ourselves as well as others. I learned a great deal and it was a growing experience. Now we get to develope our skills over the next 21 days. My wife and I are lucky because we can work with each other on this so I'm pretty pump.

I think I've mentioned in my previous posts that I really like to read. Especially if it's a subject that I find really fascinating I'll be hard pressed to put the book down until I'm finished with it. I've really been drawn to books written by Neal Donald Walsch. I started with his last Conversation with God book and I keep coming back for more. I find this material rings true to the core of my being but at the same time some of it scares me. I cannot explain why other than it does. I think that as I grow and better understand my fear will leave but until then I persevere. The Book I'm currently reading is called "Home with God In a life that Never Ends"
The books discusses Death in this life and what happens to you. It is totally fascinating. Some of the topics it touches reminds me of information I have read on certain blogs especially Titania's and Ravens Dream Blogs. Like I said I am excited because it rings true and I can feel myself growing from this. I have several of his books that I just purchased and am anticipating reading.
This is my journey and I don't want to seem like I'm promoting this. I'm just really excited and want to share my experience.

Lastly... We saw Spiderman 3 and it was a really good movie. I am not one to watch a movie more than once and I have rarely done so but this one I would definitely watch again. I got out of work early and it seems like everything was conspiring against us to make the movie on time. It really tested me and I was pretty upset but I learned how to channel it better than I usually do. We got to the movie late and ended up in the front row watching an IMAX version. I was sea sick the first couple of minutes until my eyes adjusted. My whole family loved it and it had a sad ending in which we all shed some tears (sigh)


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Being a Kid Again

Well tomorrows the day! The release of Spiderman 3 Yeah!!! My son and I have been waiting for awhile. I'm taking the whole family to see it in IMAX. I truly enjoy movies especially those that make me feel like a kid again. Being a dad and an adult (yuck) I don't relax as much as I should. I love being silly and not making sense and just being a total goof sometimes. Letting the kid come out again. I enjoy it even more when I can do it with my family, my kids look in shock trying to figure who this person is and my wife just looks at me with that "When are you going to learn" look.

So this is the family movie agenda for the spring, so far. Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3,
Shreck 3 and Harry Potter, I think Harry is the 4th movie. We are soooo pumped. If movies aren't your thing I pray that you are able to find something that will bring out the kid in you.

I also want to give a shout out to Josh. Tomorrow he graduates college and will be entering into a new phase in his life
. Congrats Josh


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

When we're not Perfect

There are many things that I would like to post on my board but I don't, at least not yet. Part of the reason is because I'm so passionate about the topic that I fear I may alienate people by it. Part of it is fear and part of it is that I tend to preach. I don't know if it's the Virgo in me or the fact that I'm a dad and am always preaching a theme or topic to my gang on a daily basis. In as much as I do it I don't like to do it with my peers. Most often when I post I try to put my views out for review and possible discussion. Without preaching hopefully.

Today I did something that I wasn't too happy with myself about. I've been working on a project at work very heavily and it's success depends on all the members participating fully. We have 2 facilities that are in the project with both having representation. We attended a critical training class for 3 days and at the end of the class the lead from facility B stood up and announce that she couldn't do this because it was too much for her. Mind you we had warned her prior to the start of the project to delegate the role to someone else but she refused. We started the project short and she was informed she would have to find a replacement. after a week word came down that she had chosen a person that had not attended class. Also she was a medical leave and was limited to the type of work she could do. We were all pretty upset thinking that we were given someone no one wanted rather than an eligible contributer. I was pretty upset.

Well we met the person today and as soon as I saw them I judged them and not in a good way either. The person was obese and unkempt and not very knowledgeable. Our project is computer based and the person didn't even know her password!!! I could not believe the situation not only was the person not at training but it looks like they're going to be a real anchor! I was upset but kept it hidden and tried my best to keep a positive outward appearance.

I took a walk to calm my senses and realized my mistake and how I shouldn't have typecast this person without openly greeting them and giving them a fair shot. I felt like a real Shit Head!!!
I told my wife about it and we discussed t for awhile. we both agreed that tomorrow I'm going back and start over with a new perspective.

I think we've all experienced times when we acted in a way we were not happy with. I know I have and I've worked to learn from those experiences and let them go and not let my guilt drag me down. We will always make mistakes, that's part of the learning process. The trick I think is to grow from the experience, and not only make ourselves better but try to make those around us better to.
