There are many things that I would like to post on my board but I don't, at least not yet. Part of the reason is because I'm so passionate about the topic that I fear I may alienate people by it. Part of it is fear and part of it is that I tend to preach. I don't know if it's the Virgo in me or the fact that I'm a dad and am always preaching a theme or topic to my gang on a daily basis. In as much as I do it I don't like to do it with my peers. Most often when I post I try to put my views out for review and possible discussion. Without preaching hopefully.
Today I did something that I wasn't too happy with myself about. I've been working on a project at work very heavily and it's success depends on all the members participating fully. We have 2 facilities that are in the project with both having representation. We attended a critical training class for 3 days and at the end of the class the lead from facility B stood up and announce that she couldn't do this because it was too much for her. Mind you we had warned her prior to the start of the project to delegate the role to someone else but she refused. We started the project short and she was informed she would have to find a replacement. after a week word came down that she had chosen a person that had not attended class. Also she was a medical leave and was limited to the type of work she could do. We were all pretty upset thinking that we were given someone no one wanted rather than an eligible contributer. I was pretty upset.

Well we met the person today and as soon as I saw them I judged them and not in a good way either. The person was obese and unkempt and not very knowledgeable. Our project is computer based and the person didn't even know her password!!! I could not believe the situation not only was the person not at training but it looks like they're going to be a real anchor! I was upset but kept it hidden and tried my best to keep a positive outward appearance.

I took a walk to calm my senses and realized my mistake and how I shouldn't have typecast this person without openly greeting them and giving them a fair shot. I felt like a real Shit Head!!!
I told my wife about it and we discussed t for awhile. we both agreed that tomorrow I'm going back and start over with a new perspective.

I think we've all experienced times when we acted in a way we were not happy with. I know I have and I've worked to learn from those experiences and let them go and not let my guilt drag me down. We will always make mistakes, that's part of the learning process. The trick I think is to grow from the experience, and not only make ourselves better but try to make those around us better to.

I have it many times that I reply or react to someone, and afterwards I can't help but think what a bitch I am.
However, intuition shouldn't be ignored, and you can't help not liking some people and being nice isn't always possible, but of course you should always give people the benifit of the doubt and also remind yourself how you would like to be treated. Try to work with what you've got and turn things around for the better; I'm sure these things happen for a reason, though you may not see it right now.
Good luck :)
Have a good weekend, Epi. I don't mind you being a bit preachy.
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