My apologies for not posting lately. Two weeks ago things were very hectic and I could really concentrate and this past week I was in Boston for some work related training. It was nice and refreshing. Firstly because I missed the trees and clouds and cool air. I love AZ and it's home but I realize that the east coast is very much a part of me. It was great and refreshing. Also I got to spend some time with some old friends from high school. I got to run along the new england shoreline with my friends Rob and Jim and spend one of thse very rare and quality moment amogst friends. Again it was refreshing and had a profound effect on me. In any case I think that trip came at a time when I really needed it.
i wish i wouldve gone with you. i miss the cool air and tress and other things like bushes that dont look dead.
I can tell you really enjoyed being back east. My heart lies there also. The Northeast is truly one of the most refreshing places to be.
I found one place that ties for the east and that is in Colorado. I could move there in a heartbeat! :o)
Gald to hear you had a blast.
Hi Cole;
Next I'll take you with me.
Hi Titania;
Yes I love the east but I'm told that northern AZ has beautiful pine woods. I'll let you know :o)
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