Sunday, June 17, 2007


Good Morning!

In my younger days (my dark ages) I really didn't believe in anything let alone anything spiritual. I met my wife and she introduced me to allot. I would go along with an attitude but I would do it. She was really big into horoscopes and I would make fun of her mercilessly saying it was a joke. She never tried to push it on me and eventually I came around. I'm a Virgo and was really caught by the description of a Virgo and how much of it rang true for me.. I've developed a system in which I read my horoscopes almost daily and use them as a guide more so than a straight literal interpretation. Every once in awhile, I'll get one that totally amazes me. It astounds me in a way that the reading seems to directly address an issue I'm having. Today is one of those days and I would like to share my reading.

For some time now, Epi, you've been trying to balance your life a bit better. Maybe you need more time to exercise or do things at home. Or maybe you have wanted to be able to spend more hours socializing and doing volunteer work. Balancing all of these things has been a challenge for you. Today you could experience a breakthrough, where you receive some insight into how you might better organize your life so that there is time for everything.

To all those dads and single parents who are both mom and dad, Happy Fathers Day Blessings


Anonymous said...

Thanks Epi,

Hey, check out Hairband Idol at Gabbatha!

Tawnya Shields said...

Happy Belated Father's Day!

I found an interesting thing about horoscopes. When reading mine which is Libra and it doesn't ring true that day, I will check my rising sign which is Saggitarius. It is usually right on the money. I had a Wiccan/psychiuc show me that trick. Isn't that too cool? Ask you wife if she has heard of this.

Take care and say hi to the gang for me.

Peace, love and light.

Gledwood said...

Wow there's some amazing imagery you've posted here!
I used to be into what they call New Age-y stuff.... now I feel my focus drifting back to the Christianity of my youth! They say life goes in circles!!
I saw your friendly face at your friend's blog~~just thought I may as well say hi while I'm over.
I'm at gledwood2.blogspot
If you want to drop by you're most welcome ...
take care
all the best
"vol 2" ...

Epi said...

Hi Josh;
Hope all is well and I will check out Hairband idol

Hi Titania;
Thank you for the fathers day wish. That's a great idea! I'm gonna try it and let you know. The gang says hi back

Hi Gledwood;
Thank you for the compliment and thank you for dropping by. New age-y, Christianity, they're all different paths to the same goal.
