Saturday, June 16, 2007

A New Meme

I've been tagged by Nathalie for a meme, pretty cool. I have to list my top 5 to 10 Goals I would like to achieve.

Here Goes

1. I would love to be able to help others more, to heal in many ways; Spiritually, physically, etc..I know this sounds very general but I really leave it open on purpose.

2. I would like to be become centered and at peace with myself. I want peace for the world but realize that I need to achieve peace within before I can hope to achieve it with the outside world

3. I would love to conquer my fear of heights

4.To fly on my own, like to pilot a glider or a plane, or a hand glider

5.To travel and meet other people with my wife and kids if the kids wanted to.

6. To continue to enjoy life with others and share in the laughter and love.

7. To win a marathon!

Thank you Nathalie for the tag.


1 comment:

Tawnya Shields said...

Hi Epi, Those were all wonderful goals. I know you will win that marathon someday.

I am not too keen on heights either. I wonder if that is a normal human animal instinct coming is to play? Hmmm. I always wondered about that.

It's good to see you back blogging. :o)