Ran 12 miles today. Started at 5 after work, it was 97 degrees but the run was a good one. Had plenty of fluids, drank about 40 oz during the run. It felt good, I took my time and didn't push it.
Diet wise I had a big breakfast (Denny's (Yum)). Light lunch (carrot) and decent dinner, medium portion of mexican spaghetti. My wife bought dutch crum donuts (my favorite) and I'm debating having one. So for the need for a donut is winning. :o). For me the running is not going to be the hardest part, the dieting will be. But I gotta remember to take baby steps. Also did my normal set of squats, push ups and sit ups.
That's so great that you're on a fitness routine. I've started recently as well.
I've started by walking 2 laps around my neighborhood in the morning (before breakfast). There's a killer hill at the end, so it really kicks my tail.
For breakfast I eat 2 granola bars, I have a SmartOnes microwavable meal for lunch, and cereal for dinner.
Before I go to bed, I do a set of pushups, but on every 5th pushup, I hold it at the bottom for a 10 count. That's a killer if you ever want to try it. Take care!
I got a chuckle out of your post. The pic of the doughnut made me hungry. As a Libra you know we are notorius for being endulgent. I constantly have a love hate relationship with food. I am good with working out but afterwards I want to grab the no-no's. I totally understand. :o)~
Oops, forgot to tell you I learned in college that it is better to eat six small meals every three hours. For real. It keeps your blood sugar levels stable. I know bodybuilders and other athletes live by this. I lost 25 pounds and have stuck with it. I feel tons better. No more ups and downs throughout the day.
Keep up the good work and watch out for those evil doughnuts. Hee hee hee.
That's great that you're on a fitness routine Josh! Our body is your temple
and we need to make sure we take care of it.
Hi T, I must have some Libra in me because I also love to indulge and have a love hate relationship with food. Thank you for the tip! I am definitely gonna try it.
BY the way, the donut won.. :o)
Blessings to you both
I was doing the running for a while, but now it’s gotten cold and wet in the morning, I can’t bring myself to do it. Instead I’m doing what in the Ayurveda they say someone with my constitution should do; and that’s slow, relaxing exercises like yoga, so that’s what I’m doing now every morning.
I’m not at all a morning person, so getting up early to feed and give my cat insulin - and then do yoga is quite the task for me. So, every morning I have the internal discussion on “do you want to be healthy, or what?!”, and then I get up and do it. Afterwards I always feel great, and proud that I did it.
I really hope we can all stick to our routines! :D
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