Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Guess who's back

There's been a bug going around AZ lately. Some have gotten an upper respiratory infection and some have gotten strep throat. Me and my family got the first (Yippee). For some reason when I'm sick I remember more of my dreams.

Last night I was having trouble sleeping and had another big foot dream. I can't recall the whole dream I can remember I was running to get someplace and I ran into three big foots. Even though I was afraid they didn't seem to care that I was there. They took off on their way and I did on mine. One thing I noticed about all my bigfoot dreams is that I'm always running someplace. The other thing I noticed is that I'm always running South and West and I'm usually in the mountains.

I guess some day I'll figure the whole deal out



Tawnya Shields said...

This may seem like a strange question but have you ever met your shadow self and if so accepted and intergrated it into yourself thus healing that hidden or scary part of yourself?

Told you it was strange. :o)

Sorry to hear you all came down with the bug. Hope you are all back on the mend.

Oh I have to tell you.... we are calling for snow tonight. Yipeeeee!!! It may not but if it does I am going out and play in it. :o)~

Take care.

Epi said...

Thank you T! I just found a site that talks about meeting your shadow self. I'm definitely gonna do it. We're finally getting over the bug. (Yippee). I hope you guys got snow.... :o)
