Friday, February 22, 2008

Got Milk??????

I'm changing my habits. As a part of my change ans reinventing myself, I've become a vegetarian. Pam has gone on a diet but has decided not to go the vegetarian route. One thing we have done is eliminate dairy products from our diet (I looooove Ice Cream). Mind you we're doing this slowly so we still sneak in a pizza from time to time. One of things we did was stop buying milk and soon butter.

Here's my dilemma. Our kids still like milk and butter. Even though Pam and I have decided to change our diet should we force this on our kids. Part of me says yes it's better for their health and part of me says that I shouldn't go pushing my views on them. They're 16, 13 and 12 and I know some would say (as I have said to them) as long as your under our roof you follow our rules but I have a really hard time believing in that with this issue.

I do believe it would be healthier for them to eliminate dairy. I don't want them to wait until they're in their late 30's or 40's to make the same discoveries I made. AT the same time I want to make sure they have the freedom and confidence to make their own decisions. For now there's milk and butter in the house. We're working together to make a joint family decision. I guess more important than anything it's important for all of us to work together towards compromise.



Anonymous said...

Good luck. I love Ice Cream. I also like Heroes...

Take care, friend!

Tawnya Shields said...

Hi Epi,
I was a vegetarian for awhile then according to my doctor I was suppose to eat meat. They thought being a vegetarian was contributing to my seizures which I know now is B.S. Doctors are still in the dark about vegetariansim.

I am making the transition also. The meat I have no issue as I have always disliked the death of an animal and the way it feels in my mouth. Not to be gross.

Milk is my issue too. I am not fond of soy milk. At all! But I heard rice milk is really good. I just have to find a health food store that carries it. Mississippi is not big on health nuts and especially vegetarians. I was ridiculed so many times here for being anti-meat.

Far as the kids go you have made a good point about this being a choice they should make. Maybe you can find alternative choices for your dairy products.

I love the vegetarian chicken patties. :O)

Best wishes on this new wonderful adventure.
