Friday, March 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Pablo

I want to wish my brother a happy birthday. He and I haven't talked for over 5 years. I don't think he's mad at me. His wife doesn't like me and in the past I haven't said nice things about her. I think she thinks I'm going to try to separate them. I'm not fond of her but I would never do that. Anyway Pablo is pretty much the opposite of me. I'm the older controlling loud mouth obnoxious brother (or I was at one point). He's the quiet, non confrontational, brother. I think he made more friends than I but I don't blame them. It was easy being Pablo's friend. We grew up together in the orphanage and group homes and no one knows me like he does.

Anyway I love him and I miss him and I hope he is doing well and enjoying his birthday.



Tawnya Shields said...

Hi Epi,
I am sure at a spiritual level he knows you are wishing him well. I am not close to my brother anymore. We talk maybe once a year. We just grew so far apart. I guess that is the way our paths were planned out for us.

Take care.


Epi said...

Thank you for the post and the support Tawnya. I think you're right.
