Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bad Dream

Good Morning. It's 12:49 in the morning and I just woke up because of a bad dream. I usually don't have bad dreams and if I do they usually don't wake me up like this one did. The ending of the dream is what's disturbing to me and I have had this type of dream before. Since it doesn't happen often, I usually let it go over time. Someone once told me it was a "Night Tremor" but I think it's someting more. Well... here it is.

I'm in a school or orphanage and I'm a young boy; It's designed like a school but has allot of orphan kids. I'm walking around with another boy I know and we're sneaking around the dark hallways looking for something. What we're looking for I really don't know. We meet up with an older boy who has a smile I don't like. He and the boy I was walking with go into the boys bathroom to talk. I go to walk in with themn but they won't let me in. I feared something was wrong and started walking the dark hallways to try to find my way back. I was walking counterclockwise always making a left turn. The hallways were like one big square. AS I was walking I noticed there were other kids sleeping on the floor. They were sleeping on the left side of the hallway as I was walking. Everytime I would accidently brush up against one of them I felt the need to hurry up. Like somone would find out I'm there. The scene changes and I'm lying next to my wife with my arm around (I actually thought I woke up). I feel something behind me and I try to turn my head and look but I can't. My heart starts to race and I try not to panick as I notice that I can't move or talk. I try to shake my wife awake but again I cannot find the strength in as hard as I try. As I fight to move and turn I am lying on my side facing my wife. I notice a shadowy figure above my wife. (here's one of the really bizarre parts) The shadowy form is changing shape, first it looked like a rabbit and then it changed. Anything shadowy I don't consider friendly. I tried to yell but could only manage a moan. Like a deaf mute trying to depserately talk. I finally manage to wake myself and find myself in the same position as in my dream holding my sleeping wife. I wonder if I was actually moaning then I realize it wouldn't have mattered. My wife could sleep through a rock concert. Out of curiosity I feel my pulse and its normal.
That's my dream. The part about where there's something around and I can't move is the one I have experienced before. I know I experienced fear in the dream but I think it's more frustration.
I'm initially fearful becuase there's something behind me but when I decide to turn and face it I discover I can't move. This brings about more fear and frustration because I can't move.


Andrew McAllister said...

Hi Epi,

Thanks for stopping by "To Love, Honor and Dismay" and for leaving such an insightful comment. See you next time.

Good luck getting the hang of your new blog and also replacing the job.

All the best,

Epi said...

Thank you Andrew
You really have a great site that encourages allot of insight and thought. Thank you for the good wishes.


Anonymous said...

You had what I think was a very complex dream. It all seems to focus on you feeling trapped and uncertain of your choices. A Paralysis dream usually indicates anxiety, fear of the unknown. I know you mentioned that you were making some recent changes in your life. Perhaps and it is only speculation on a subconscious level that you are a bit afraid of what is ahead and as humans when making changes we do tend to fret. I know I do. Also the shadow may be an aspect of yourself that you have not faced. I use to get some night terrors and once I stopped fearing "it" and sent out love and light to it, it stopped chasing me.
In one dream as it was getting ready to attack me and I was fighting to wake up, I instead held out my arms to this disgusting horrible monster and told it ,I loved it. It stopped in it's tracks, got a confused look and disssolved into sparkling beautiful light. I think I had healed one of the shadow parts of myself. The shadow (negative)is in all of us. It is just negative aspects we deny or do not wish to face about ourselves. To truly heal you must face it and overcome that part and it will heal and make you a much stronger person. Both in teh waking world and in your dream world. Just my thoughts. Please take anything I say with a grain of salt. Search within yourself for the answers and tonight I am not sure what your religious affiliations are, but send out prayers and imagine a big white cirlce of light around your bed. It really can help.
Best wishes always to you and your family,

Epi said...

Thank you Raven for your thoughts.
What you say makes sense and I will follow your advice. You are right I probably am under a great deal of stress. I have a bad habit of putting on the smily face and acting like it's not affecting me the way it is. But I guess it catches up in the end. AS for my religion I was brought up Roman Catholic but gave that up along time ago. I explored wicca for awhile but was distracted by other things. My youngest is really curoise about it (wicca) so I'm trying to guide her as best I can. I really don't consider myself religous. I would say the correct work is spiritual. By the way I highly value your opinion and I think it's worth more than a grain of salt. Many thanks and blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Epi. Aaahh I could sense you may have been on similar paths. A fellow spiritual being open to all positive possibilites. What is funny is my husband was raised Catholic and when I met him I was also a Wiccan. I guess I have changed yet again and I am searching for my own meaning and spirituality that has no label. I guess you would call it electic Spiritualist would be close. Glad to help you anytime.

Anonymous said...

Hey there,
you should try lighting up some sage incense before you go to sleep! they'll clear you of bad vibes and negative energy that you've accumulated throughout the day.

i agree with raven shields. don't resist or fight the dream. it only creates more resistance and conflict. love is all you need!

i used to get night terrors too. i would get them whenever i was really sick or under a lot of stress. so be good to yourself man!
