Friday, November 10, 2006

God spilled the paint

Above is a picture e-mailed to us by my wifes cousin in AZ. The picture was taken by Barbara Mathews May 14, 2005. Great job Barbara!!!


Anonymous said...

The child in me would love to start at the top and roll down among the lovely colorful carpet created my Mother Nature. :o)

Unknown said...

me too! I could spend hours upon hours playing in this field. As long as it wasn't too cold, lol!

It almsot looks fake it's so amazing!! I am NOT calling it fake or touched up, though. It just has an other-worldly feel to it is all.

Epi said...

I tried to see if it was touched up also but I think it is a natural picture. What's really important is that it is a wonderful picture; If someone is skillful enough to add the colors then I think it's a great talent. If it's natural it only serves as another testament to natures beauty. Regardless it brings a smile and a warmth to people.