Saturday, November 04, 2006

Keeping the Faith

It's been a pretty intense week. I think the worst of it is we have no money. Let me rephrase that, we have little money close to no money. There was a mixup with our automatic bill payment and it pretty much wiped out what we have left. So we're trying to figure out how we're gonna pay for food, gas and the rest of the bills for the next two weeks. My wife went to ask her parents to barrow some money and did not recieve a warm reception. Basically she was berated on what a jerk I was. I don't mind it for myself but I feel for her having to go through that. On top of that I had installed IE 7 (which was awful) and had to unistall it to go back to IE6. Now that I'm in IE6 I cannot post to my blog. I'm currently posting through Opera.
We're both keeping our chin up and working hard trying not to let us down. I have no doubt that we'll pull through, I'm just worried about my wife. We have spoken and I have said to her to remember that we have each other and the kids. That the love we share is more important than anything and it will see us through.
I have the NYC Marathon tomorrow and we've decided that I should run it. I think mostly because it's always been a big event for our family every year and it gives everyone something positive to focus on.
Like I said, it's tough but we'll pull through. I don't want anyone feeling bad for us because there are plenty of families and folks that have gone through worse. I consider myself blessed to have what I have and even though economically things are tough I could not ask for anythig more in terms of what I have around me. I think I have said before I write to my blog because to me it's a sort of therapy and when I look back at what I write I can see it in a different perspective. I also do it because I hope that others thast read it can get something from it that will help them with their lives. After all that's part of what we're all about "helping each other"
Well I have to go finish dinner. Wish us luck tomorrow. :o)

P.S. Hope you like the pic. Another scenic one we took during our walk


Anonymous said...

Hi Epi, I empathisize as my husband are going through exactly what you and your wife are going through. It is tough all over I think. What truly upsets me when our governemnt blows smoke up our butts by saying everything is peachy and that we are better than ever economically.Not!

YOu are so right to have loved ones is the most precious gift of all. My husband is frantic about the bills coming in. The medical tests are all coming in and some are quite big.And of course I am stranded for at least a year due to my seizures. I told him there is a higher power looking over us at all times and to be grateful for what we have.

Blessings to you and yours and I love the beautiful pic.

Oh and have lot's of fun at the marathon!

Unknown said...

not you too!
now I'm getting PISSED!
*grumble grumble*
I swear, practicly everybody I know is goign through a rough spot financially, including yours truly. We're talking no job, and not money in the bank! =o
raven tells her kids not to borrow from family, but I know a friend in Austrailia who had to and it seems OK so far ... s ofar. lol
BUT me and my twin-flame (very good female friend) sent out a layered blessign to her as did her other friends sh she got hte banks of her family's back!
SO I will try to do hta same for you!
it's just hard becaseu I feel there are so many people to help, I'm feelign a bit dizzy.
And I'm admittedly, humanly, stressed about my own situatioin. but far more calm than usual.
GOSH this is long!!
If you have a record of the bank's goof on the automtic withdrowl thingy, talk to the company it sent too much too and your bank! I am sure you guys can work it out.
I am sure it's just a goof! Just remain calm and patient and perserverant!
what else ... well, can you sell some stuff?
A kind of garage sale?
I have been goign to the local EB store/Gamestop to quickly sell DVDs and concole games. I get shit for the, but it IS cash money and it IS fast and it IS a guarenteed sell, not like e-bay #_#
Also, try to get meals for a dollar or less. Like microwave meals? Can you get help from your neighbors for maybe a few items that you would otherwise need to buy?
I'll shut up about this now. :-x
Just now I think you're cool! I don't talk to too many males casue they tended to bully me or think If I wasnt' into statistics and other stuff I wasn't worht their time. But I lie you, you're cool!
Good luck on the marathon! Pace yourself, stretch before AND after! AND I LOVE the photo! You must be an adorer of nature.

Unknown said...

and I forgot to say that even though we dont' know each other, if I had anything I'd offer to send you something! I swear, if i win like the multi-millioin dolaar prize I woudn't spend it on 5 cars and 6 houses, but I'd spend it on my friends. No, not my family. Well, maybe ... I kind of owe them money I guess, but it was voluntary how they spent money on me and a part of parenting so :-p to them. lol!
But, I'd send you items or money to help you out! My empath feelings is that you seem to be the esxact opposite fro mwhat your wife's family says about you!
And I'm not like teh government blowing smoke up your butt
and you have a great attitude.
Best Wishes!
P.S. with all the financially strapped families and friends I have, I wonder if it will affect the Christmas shopping?
If only it did, then maybe we'd get some impossible-to-ignore facts out finally!

Epi said...

Thank you both very very much for your thoughts. You have no idea what it means to me and my family. Raven I understand how your husband feels I use to be the same way. I intrepret this time of mine as time "to bloom" as someone once told me. Time to conentrate on the spiritual and the love that we need to feel and share. Boy I sound pretty mushy. :0) Another saying told to me by someone, "You can't be a great sea captain if you only sail clam waters. So let's take these storms as experiences that are going to make us better. Governments will always lie to it's people in order to keep them in line.
E-merge, thank you very much. I feel for you and those people that bullied you. You have to remember that they are less secure than you are. I know it hurts because I was bullied too when I was young and I relived it when my son went through the same experience. So keep in mind you're not alone and there are others who have shared the same experience. Use it to make you a better person and help others who are bullied.
Thank you both again. I will be thinking of you both during my run.

