Saturday, December 23, 2006

Bear Dream

I had another strange dream last night. I'm not a lucid dreamer but I'm starting to think that maybe I should start trying to learn that skill. I'm also learning that my initial emotions on a dream should be looked at closely because when I sit back and look at my dreams I get a different feeling than the initial ones. Here's my dream.
I'm in the south and I'm a race car driver, like for NASCAR. I'm not racing yet but there's a race coming up. I'm in the woods by a creek and a brown bear comes after me he reaches for me and sort of scratches along my back. All I can think off is don't let him get his arm around you. The Bear disappears and time moves forward a day. I'm back at the creek again but this time it's with my wife but she isn't my wife. She's someone else's wife. The bear appears again and we run to what I know is a cabin up the creek a little. We go into the cabin and lay in a bed together. Again the bear comes and reaches for me. Again my thought is don't let him get his arm around you and he scratches my back. the bear leaves and I'm laying there with her and I feel really good that she's with me. Her husband comes and says hello and she goes to talk to him and kiss him hello. There's no animosity between us and he doesn't care that she was lying with me. I have to admit though that I'm jealous she's with him but in a sad sort of way not anger. The owner of the cabin comes in and we talk and I tell him about my experience. His first question is "You didn't let him get his arm around you did you?" We talk a little and I discover he used to be a race car driver as he shows me some of his trophies. The funny thing about the owner is that he's this guy I know in real life who's a real redneck(hillbilly). I'm sorry but I don't know how else to describe him. Unfortunately he is the stereotype and even though we were pleasant to each other we really didn't like each in real life. That's where the dream ended. Originally in my dream I was afraid of the Bear. When I woke up I thought about this a great deal. Then I realized if the bear really wanted to get me, he or she would have. I'm just trying to figure now what the meaning f the bear the arm around me is?


Tawnya Shields said...

That was a very complex dream indeed! It has a definite message for you. I hesitate in trying to interpret others dreams and can only give some food for thought.

Bear may represent an illusion that is clouding our mind. Giving in to a passion that rules us.

Bear is also a mothering feminine aspect Protective but for some can be smothering. Also indicates force and power.

Being in bed may coincide with the bear. Bed is sexuality of course but also seeking comfort, security the eteranl womb.

Bear seemed to confuse you. At one time comforting but also you had fear of the unknown of what would happen if you allowed bear to be closer to you.

The man in your dream do you think he was thinking of your best interst or was it transferral from your earlier scene where you yourself felt uncomforatable with bear holding you?

Are you working with animal totems at this time? Do you think your totem may be reaching out to help you as you seek spiritual evoltuion? The teacher appears when the student is ready. :o)

As a totem bear, when it appears to you it may indicate awakening more of the unconsious. It is a powerful symbol to many cultures. Eg, The Native americans and the "Bezerkers" of the Norse in Northern Europe. Bear is associated with the supernatural and with healing for which you show a strong interest in. To have bear as a totem is to be aware that you are being guided to assume a role of leadership. The bear is a spiritual guardian to encourage you to exercise you abilites as a natural healer. You also will gain powers of discrimination to present the truths of your lifepath with confidence and courage.

That is just some tidbits. Please take what you need and if it doesn't ring true that is okay. Just work with your own inner self and it will reveal to you what the dream meant.

Blessings of peace love and light,

Epi said...

Thank you for your insight Titania. As always it is very helpful and gives me a fresh perspective from which to look at things.
Bear is my totem but I haven't been working with bear yet. I think this dream is very similar to my dream stealer dream. I truly think bear was there to help but I let my own fears prevent that causing me to perceive bear as a threat. I truly think the man was there to help but again he represents old thinking to me and old fears. I'm thinking the part with my wife in bed was seeking security. Her leaving to go to another is a sign that it is time for me to leave the nest.
I feel I'm close I just have to be patient and release my fears. I'll let you know when I get the great big bear hug. :o)

Blessings and thank you