Thursday, January 24, 2008

1/2 marathon, desert fever, New Job

I've been pretty sick for awhile, the docs couldn't figure it out. they would put me on antibiotics and I would get better only to get worse again. They thought it was desert fever because they saw something in my xrays but we just got my blood work back and it's not. I'm better now the mystery illness left as quickly as it came. Although it stayed with me for a good month.

I ran the PF Chang half marathon and did what I expected. The doc advised me not to run but that was something I wasn't willing to give up. Especially since they weren't sure what the illness was. Don't worry though I paid the price. LOL

I started my new job and I'm really excited. So far it's everything I expected. Meeting allot of new folks which is always exciting and getting introduced to a whole bunch of new technology. I have to admit, I love being a techy geek. Anyway I'm still on my job honeymoon and making the best of it.

ON another front, I am part of the lightworker web site and really enjoy it. My middle daughter Nicole, got on one day with my account and started asking everyone if they were indigo children. Of course this was without my knowledge and she forgot to tell me. You can imagine my curiosity when everyone started to respond. Once I saw the original message I knew right away who sent it. I give her credit, she's trying really hard to find other kids that are like minded. Both of my daughters are. I jsut don't understand why it's so difficult.



Monday, January 21, 2008

Tenten Theme

My gang introduced me to this piece of music. It's nice....Blessings

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Dream- The Beginning ?

I'm in a time similar to our Victorian time in the early 1900's. It seems like I'm in the south in this huge Victorian building. It's a combination guest house and ward but its huge. In this hose there are three factions of people there's a group of men dressed in the style of the time, there's my group (a combination of men and woman)and there's the people who maintain the house who seem to be all woman. For lack of a better definition my group is new age based, the group of men are a conservative group and the have control of the house or are in charge of it. The maintainers of the house seem to be all black woman dressed in white dresses with red belts and shaws.

The house maintainers are led by a Witch who in my dream looked like the witch in pirates of the Caribbean. In the movie though she was of small stature in my dream she is a tall commanding figure. Everyone is afraid of her, I'm not I'm just more curios.

the two groups stay away from each other for the most part except for functions when we are all together. I spent time with the conservative group to talk to them and learn about them. All along getting this feeling that they have an ulterior motive. in this group there are these twins. One of them is very friendly and genuine, the other is very quiet and cordial. Of course I find myself in more dealings with the friendly one. Every so often I meet the quiet one and can inly identify him by the way he treats me.

I end up going to the other side of the building where my group is. I have to mention we're on the second floor. I don't know why but that is important in the dream. As I write this I suddenly remember that I wrote about a dream awhile ago where we were in the basement. I feel like this was the same house. I'm talking to my group and there really are no worries about the other group but everyone has this sense that something big is coming (both groups) My group is more excite and the other more apprehensive.

I have to go to the other group because I left my jacket there. I bump into one of the twins and quickly discover it's the quiet one. Even though he's being rude I am very cordial and complimentary as I try to ask his assistance in finding my jacket. The other brother appears and through the efforts of our trio my jacket is found and I'm on my way back to my side.

Again this is a huge Victorian style building and very beautiful. On my way back I manage to go by a set of stairs and fall down them. The strange part is even though I fell down the stairs I end up on the third floor. I'm met by these two maids and they're very nervous. "You're not suppose to be here" they say. "You have to go back". I ask "Why, what is this place?" they start to walk with me guiding me to another set of stairs. AS we walk I'm looking around. It looks like a huge ward full with sleeping children. We get near a set of stairs and I stop and ask again what is happening. The maids are nervous and I glance to the stairs and see the bottom of the dress of the witch. We're off to the side so she cannot see us. But I know she knows I'm there and she's just standing listening to our conversation. They say to me you have to leave soon . I gently say to them back I don't want to leave I want to stay, I want to know what's happening so I can help. All of a sudden the maids gasp because apparently time has run out. AS I look across the huge room children begin to wake up. they have blue purplish pajamas and just get up and look at me. not one of them is older than 6 years old. It's an amazing site.

The head witch starts walking down the stairs to talk to me. I wake up.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A couple of changes

I made a couple of changes to the site. It's a new year and with the fresh start I kinda figured the change was good. Besides, I think it better defines what I want to do. I might change it a little more as I want something more than what it currently has.

Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.
