Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Random Thoughts - Music

random thoughts...

my love for music... how it opens me and makes me feel free.. sometimes I don't even listen to the words because it's the feeling that I'm enjoying. Feeling the joy of sound surround me and permeating my being joining with the sound.

I close my eyes and it's like I'm flying on the rhythm and melodies that my ears are hearing. Calling the emotions of my soul to come through and make themselves known......

New Family Member

I would like to introduce a new member to our family. Her name is Jasmine. My wife and I finally broke down and got another dog. Our girls, especially Nicole have been asking us for quite some time and we went to the shelter and picked up this beautiful dog. She's 4 months old and very nervous; We figured maybe she experienced some type of abuse because every time we go to pet her she cowers. It's sad to see that she's fearful of us but I figure that will leave in time.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

This song is pretty intense. By intense I mean that for me it's a powerful song that I feel to the core of my being. Don't know why but I do. Hope you enjoy it.


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NYC Trip Pictorial

My blog has become many things to me. It's more than just of meanings of sharing myself with who ever shall come across my site. But, it has also become a log or journal of my life through this past year. This month actually is one year since I started blogging. Anyway I cannot say enough about my trip with my family. So since a picture is worth a thousand words, I figured I would put a couple up of our trip, with some captions (Maybe).

Above is the girls and I on the Staten Island Ferry. We were going to Manhattan. The ferry goes right by the Statue of Liberty which Nicole loves

This is us at the entrance to central park about 3 hours after we landed. I just noticed how tired we looked

This is Pam and I in the IBM Building on 57th Street in Manhattan. This is where I had to pick up my runners goodie bag for the race.

Our beautiful kids at the hotel before the party

Pam and Josh burning up the dance floor

Shelly and I showing them how it's really done

Bad boys, Bad boys.... Boy we look mean huh more like two grumpy men before the race

Me with my sweet heart after the race in Battery Park

Me with the girls... Josh was sleeping on the bench, he was the only smart one

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Why you are Here.

Got this little tidbit from a service I subscribe to. I thought it was worth posting

There is a marvelous story of a man who once stood before God, his heart breaking from the pain and injustice in the world. 'Dear God,' he cried out. 'Look at all the suffering, the anguish, and distress in your world. Why don't you send help?' God responded, 'I did send help. I sent YOU.

--- David J. Wolfe

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Groovy dancing Girl

My kids found this video on You TUbe and I luv it. Thank you Josh and Nicole.
I have to say I am envious of this girls moves. Wish I could dance like that... :o)


Monday, August 06, 2007

Heaven & Earth Spirits

The name of the tune is Heaven & Earth Spirit, I downloaded it from the FTG Web Site. Like anything else, liked it so much I decided to post it.

Blessings.... :o)

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Leaving on a jet plane

We're flying out tonight to NYC for the weekend. Got a ton of things going on so I'll have plenty to post when I get back Monday. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend
