Sunday, December 23, 2007


I was on line with my daughters checking out some youtube music vids and came across this classic. I think I spent about an hour explaining to them the B-52's and the music scene in the late 70's early 80's. One of the reason this song has significance in my life was because before I heard it I was a pretty angry teen. Very militiristic and black and white. The cold war was raging and I was looking forward to getting of age so I can go join the military and fight communism. This song showed me there was a lighter part of life which you can enjoy. It took a long time to release the anger but I think this song was a treasured spark which lit the way. I started to learn to have fun again.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Job ?!?!?!?!


I got a new job offer!!!!! I was offered a position as a PACS Admin at another Hospital. I forgot what PACS actually stands for (don't tell anyone) But it's the digitizing of radiology pictures. So instead of viewing xrays and mri's on film you can view them on a computer screen. Being a tech geek myself this is really cool stuff and I'm really pumped. On top of that they're offering me more money than I'm making now so I'm especially excited!!! I know since I'm more of a spiritually minded person now that shouldn't matter as much and it really doesn't but every plus helps. As usual I'm excited and scared but I know I'll get over it (I hope).

On top of that I finally got the title for my bike in the mail. So I can start riding it legally!! hehehe Not that I would ever ride it any other way!!

Time to go for a ride and take everything in!


Blue Monday

I was feeling nostalgic and kinda technoish so here it is Blue Monday!!!

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Really Restless

I don't know what's going on but I've been really restless lately. I know it's not a full moon so that can't be it. The restlessness is very annoying and distracting. I can't focus or meditate. I try to meditate and get edgy so I stop then I get upset with myself because I wasn't able to meditate. A terrible cycle.

Even writing has become an unfocused choir. I'm hoping this phase will be over soon but I have to say it's really frustrating.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Guess who's back

There's been a bug going around AZ lately. Some have gotten an upper respiratory infection and some have gotten strep throat. Me and my family got the first (Yippee). For some reason when I'm sick I remember more of my dreams.

Last night I was having trouble sleeping and had another big foot dream. I can't recall the whole dream I can remember I was running to get someplace and I ran into three big foots. Even though I was afraid they didn't seem to care that I was there. They took off on their way and I did on mine. One thing I noticed about all my bigfoot dreams is that I'm always running someplace. The other thing I noticed is that I'm always running South and West and I'm usually in the mountains.

I guess some day I'll figure the whole deal out


Friday, December 07, 2007

December Dream

I rarely remember my dreams, so on those nights where I do, it's pretty significant. Recently an old high school friend made e-mail contact with me. This person is very unique and there was always something about him that just made us click as friends. He experienced very hard times throughout his journey and it was good to hear from him. I sense he's apprehensive about me but I understand.

Anyway back to the dream. We're in a dance hall but it looks like the basement of the dance hall. There are allot of people all very different but we're all dancing to the same tune you can say (sorry about the cliche) I see my friend James and he's quiet and reserved as usual. I'm hanging with a colorful group of people who have come out and are really comfortable with it. I'm feel really happy and I'm enjoying the scene.

We sitting at these long old wooden folding tables and just being bohemians. I notice at the end of the table this man, just standing looking over us quietly and confident. I remember the color grey with him but don't know why. I go to him and he tells me to follow him but not with words. we walk around the table to the edge of the dance floor. he points to the floor and there are a couple of pieces of glass. The glass is shattered into some thick pieces. They look like a prism and they radiate all kinds of colors. The man picks it up and informs me that I will be able to do many things with this. I'm curiose and ask like what. He looks at me puzzled like I should know. He taps my head with the glass and I become younger (mid 20's), he taps my head again and I'm much older (60's) he does it one more time and I'm someone else. Finally being myselfe again, I understand that this is another tool for my journey. He smiles at me.

The hall starts to get wet from water coming from the ceiling. everyone gets ready to move the party upstairs. We're moving on up !! As I prepare the man leaves and I wake up

I don't have a full explanation of my dream. I know it was a message and I know it made me feel really good. I know as I go forward the meaning will come to me.
