Saturday, June 28, 2008

Time to catch up

My blogging has really fallen off. I think part of the reason is that we have become more active and the time isn't there as much as it used to be. Anyway, I wanted to catch up on the week because allot has happened.

First of all last Sunday was Pam and my anniversary!! We've been married 18 years and been together 20 years. I luv and cherish her now more than I ever have. The beautiful thing is with each day we're together and sit and am grateful for what we have. Now, like anything else in life, the road had allot of twists and peaks and valleys. There were a couple of times when the marriage was in jeopardy. Not something that I brag about but I mention it to show that marriage isn't always sweet and wonderful. It's something that grows and evolves like the people involved. Like anything else you're always reinventing it.

The bummy thing about my anniversary is that I was on call so I ended up having to go to work 3 times that day. YUCK!! Se La Vi. Pam and I decided that on my birthday (Sept 6) We're gonna take some private time, go to Sedona and celebrate our anniversary. I'll be 43 this year for anyone who's curios.

Another life changing event that happened this week was My youngest daughter and my son left for Pa for the summer (6 weeks). This is the first time they've been away for that amount of time and it has had a deep impact on me. I took them to the airport and shed a couple of tears after I dropped them off. My gosh, my son is 17 and I can still remember the first day we put him on the bus for kindergarden!! I am so proud of him. You can imagine what I'm going to be like when he graduates this year!!! OOOOF! My daughter Shelly the independent spirit of the family, I smile as I know this will be the first of many adventures for her. It's funny for Josh, I feel that I only have a year left so my sense of urgency (and wanting to spend more time with him) is greater. With Shelly I know I have more years. But I've learned, with Josh, that they go by quickly. So I'm learning to take the time and cherish the little things. Too many cliche's in my writing today. Sorry but I'm creatively limited this morning.

Nicole got her contact lenses this week also. My how different she looks with them! I really don't know if she's gonna stick with them because she's been having a heck of a time taking them out and putting them in. It's kinda funny but I feel for her. Also, Nicole starts her new school this year. It's a charter school that focuses on the arts. She's concentrating on photography. She has become quite the young lady. OOOF

It has been a week that's caused me to be very reflective. It's brought me great Joy but also a sense of sadness. I remember a woman saying when I was young about her kids, "If they could only stay that age" I now know what she meant. I have been and continue to be sooooo blessed.



Anonymous said...

What a great moment of reading blogs.

Tawnya Shields said...

Hi Epi,
My your children have grown. I konw what you mean. They are young adults in the blink of an eye! Your son has really changed his looks from when I first started visiting your blog. That seems so many moons ago. :o)

By the way Happy belated Anniversary and have a safe holiday weekend.

Take care,

Tawnya Shields said...

Hi Epi,
When you get time, stop by and pick up your award. :o)