Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bowling for fun

Last night we had a little social event after work. Working with one of my coworkers we managed to schedule a bowling event to try to get the folks at work to relax and enjoy themselves a bit. It was fun. I brought Pam and we both bowled; I did terrible, I'm a really bad bowler but had fun teasing folks and being tease. I was lucky enough to be with a group that had a great sense of humor.


Tawnya Shields said...

I am bad at bowling too. My hubby is better. I too like to play just for fun. It's fun to watch how others throw that ball. I have seen some strange moves. :o)

Glad to hear you are relieving some of that stress. That is very good to do now and then.

Anonymous said...

bowling is fun... <(^0^)>
