Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy 17th Anniversary

Friday, June 22 was our wedding anniversary. We've been married 17 years and I think we both have learned allot and I know that my love has grown and evolved in ways I never knew possible. I've spoken to many people who have been married for some time and I've learned that marriage, like life, is always a work in progress; always evolving and changing. A couple of years ago we almost split; It was my fault and mainly due to my immaturity and insecurity. We had become stagnant in our relationship and I don't think either one of us recognized it or wanted to. Fortunately with the help of some dear friends we were able to grow and reinvent our relationship. I love and respect my wife more than ever now. She is truly a part of me as I am of her. together we are one and are love on this earth.



Anonymous said...

AWESOME! speak the truth dad <(^-^)>
well have fun at red lobster.

love nicole

Tawnya Shields said...

Happy belated Anniversary to you both. I enjoy seeing happy loving couples that have stood the tests of time.
