Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Global Coherence Project

I just discovered this new site and new initiative. This resonates deeply within me and I want to make as many people aware of this project. the web site is


I discovered it while looking up Greg Braden's web site. One of the reasons his site and this project appeal to me is because being the technician that I am I sometimes need a scientific explanation to better understand some things. Although I have become more intuitive that tech side to me is very strong. From what I gather these folks are mostly researchers and scientist and it's very interesting and gratifying to see that they're discovering things that certain people have felt and taught for centuries but weren't part of main stream culture. They do sound a bit dweebish but I'm a person who prefers more emotion so take that with a grain of salt. :o)

Please take a look and see for yourself



Tawnya Shields said...

Hi Epi, Thank you so very much for the info. It to resonates with me also. This goes hand in hand with the approaching 2012 which is all about the human consciousness changing in a profound way. This is very exciting. Though not all science is beneficial to mankind there is some that is inspired by a higher power. This is one of them. This is a phenomenal undertaking. Have you joined yet?


Tawnya Shields said...

Stopping by again to let you know I joined! :O)

Epi said...

Yes I joined when I first saw the site. I totally agree with you 110 Percent. If you really want to hear something really cool which is in line with this go to youtube and look
up "the divine matrix greg braden" it's an interview with him and I found it really brought to light allot of things I had questions about and also reaffirmed allot of my beliefs. They're in 10 minute chunks, I went up to part 8