Monday, September 29, 2008

Oneness Day Petition

The following is information on a petition from Humanity's Team Web Site. Please read it and if it rings true for you please sign and and spread the news to promote this endeavor.


Oneness Day Petition - What is it?

A ONENESS DAY Petition - Potentially the most important petition ever launched . . . toward a New Spirituality, a new humanity, a new earth.

Humanity’s Team is collecting 50,000 signatures to get the United Nations to declare a Oneness Day, a day set aside and embraced by individuals, communities and nations for humanity to celebrate, discuss and experience our commonality, while still acknowledging and respecting our beautiful cultural diversities. A day to unite in Oneness for the greater good of the Human Family.

The first step takes 30 seconds. Join the thousands of others who are signing the petition. As we remember who and what we are on that day, we soon realize who and what we are every day. And then we can realize heaven on earth!

THANK YOU for joining us!

Read the Petition (Declaring a Oneness Day)

Sign the Petition

Print a Signature Collection "Kit" to get others to sign!

1 comment:

Tawnya Shields said...

What a wonderful idea! You know I will step up and sign. In spite of the chaos going on, isn't amazing how there is an awakening of so many souls to embrace our Connectiveness to one another. It is an exciting time we live in.
I feel that in time my purpose will be revealed. I have felt pretty unfulfilled most of my life. I had nice jobs, don't get me wrong but I have felt that I was beign held back for something else. I am ready. :o)
