Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Latest

Well my birthday just past and now I'm 43 years old. I continue to be fascinated by the fact that I'm in my 40's. I truly feel like a 25 year old. Though my body reminds me from time to time (more on that later). My daughters made me a beautiful cake that I truly appreciate and love. I haven't had a piece yet but I will before the night is over.

I ran a half marathon on my birthday and didn't do too bad. I took 14 minutes off my last half which is really good. For you runners I did it in 2 hours and 11 minutes; that's roughly 10 minutes a mile. I'm hoping to break 2 hours on my next half in 2 weeks. Anyway, I hit the wall with 2 miles to go. I pushed myself a little harder than i should of and my body reminded me that I'm in my 40's (told ya).All of this is in preparation for the NYC Marathon Nov 2. Which I am deathly afraid of in terms of doing poorly in the race. I think this is going to be my last NYC Marathon and my last with my family. Josh graduates this year and he wants to break out when he does. Hence we want to make this event special. I want to do a personal best. My best NYC is 3 hours 59 minutes.. Wish me luck..



Tawnya Shields said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! :o)

Care2 usually sends a reminder but I did not get one. So sorry.

Epi said...

Don't worry T, thank you for the birtjday wish