Thursday, September 18, 2008

Good Morning Starshine

Every once in awhile I like to change what I'm doing. It could be anything from clothes, shaving my mustache, taking a different way home, etc.... Today I felt like listening to ,what I call, 60's flower songs. I listen to some mommas and poppas, etc..
But the song that really got me was Good Morning Starshine, OOOF!! I had to sing this when I was in chorus in junior high and ever since then it really appealed to me. My daughter listened to this with me and said I was gay...... So I'm gay big deal. :o) I really like the song. I put two versions on. Even though I like the new one, I still prefer the old one. I guess that's what happens when you're older.


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Tawnya Shields said...

What is up with the "gay" deal? My 14 year old daughter uses that a lot.
Everything is so gay. Must be the age group. We had are little sayings too. Bodacious. Radical. Bitchin.

Those were the good old days.

I love flower power songs and those folk ones too. I am with you brutha.

Peace out! :o)

Epi said...

You go girl!!

Peace Out G!!!
