Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My daughers crystal dream

As a dad I encourage my kids to keep their minds open to everything and to explore their feelings and intuitions. All of my gang I think are blessed and have advanced skills that they are starting to discover. My youngest is the most open to these and has seem to really start blossoming lately. She told me about a quick dream she had today so I figured I'd post it. I will relay the story as she told it to me.

She told me she was in the spirit world by her pond. She has had dreams about being in the spirit world before and has always been around her pond. This time there was a purple crystal with a pink centered pebble near the top (similair to the picture I posted, I'm guessing the pink pebble to be rose quartz). Out of curiosity she reach over and touched the crystal. She said it looked like when you touch the water and waves go out, She also said purple smoke came out of the crystal. She said she just stood there and watched it. She woke up.

I told her it was a beautiful dream and when she came back from school today that we should look up the meaning of the color purple. I know the meaning but feel that people retain information better when they have to do a little work for it plus it's time together. ;o)


Anonymous said...

This daughter is very gifted! A great sign. I too was a good dreamer as a young girl . The children your daughters age will advance and learn their skills much quicker thatn we did. She has a good open minded family which helps. I was born into a not so open minded family and my gifts were kept hushed until I got out on my own to find out who and what I was about. She is a lucky little lady.

She was definetly astral traveling! That is a good idea to let her search for her own personal meaning. She will become more interested that way. She shows signs of being an indigo child.

Thank you so much for sharing a part of yourself and your family.

Blessings to you and your family,

Epi said...

That's not all she can do. the other two have gifts also although I don't think they're as developed as she is. Either that or they're afraid to tell me. She is the most vocal of the three. I guess instead of calling them yippee yappee and yahooey I should have called them Merryweather, flora and fauna (they're the three fairies in Sleeping beauty)I think in time I'll find someone that can each them more than I can about what is out there and how to explore themselves. I don't know if she is or any of them are indigo children. It would make life really interesting though. Thank you for your blessings and comments Raven