Friday, October 06, 2006

Love & Patience

This is my middle child Yappee (nickname) above with her favorite horse. Awhile ago I wrote about how my daughter went on-line and starting looking for places she could volunteer and how she found this particular place. I was super proud of her and the fact that she took initiative and followed through with everything. On this visit she begged my wife and I to stay and watch her work so we couldn't say no. This little place is run by a woman who takes horses that are no longer wanted and rehabilitates them for adoption. This one horse, from what I understand, is a race horse that had an infection of one of his legs. The woman is very nice and soft spoken.

My wife and I watched as they went through their activities I was struck with something I noticed. My daughter had volunteered to help her and she did everything she could. I could tell that my daughter was very excited and not paying attention the way she should be. I was totally amazed by the care and patience this lady had with my daughter. I quickly realized that even though my daughter volunteered to help , this woman was taking her precious time to work and teach my daughter. I watched as she patiently spoke to my daughter and offered encouragement when they worked the horses. This had such a profound affect on me. How wonderful it is for this person , whom hardly knew us, to take her time and offer such wonderful insight to my daughter.

We left the farm after about and hour and my daughter was overflowing with joy. During the ride home I spoke to my wife and informed her how this woman and her actions had touched me so. I wondered if she knew just how profound her actions were. I definately consider her an angel on earth and hope that I can offer to others the love, understanding and patience, that she offered us and our duaghter. :o)


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and inspirational story. Your daughter is such a kind beautiful soul. :o)

Epi said...

Thank you Raven