Sunday, September 23, 2007

College Dream

I have a dream that I remember. My thought is I'm remembering for a purpose but it does not make sense to me yet. Here goes.

I'm at the USC campus and Coach Pete Carroll is trying to recruit me for their football team. IF you don't know USC is currently ranked number 1. Even though I'm very excited and know I could do the job I'm questioning the logic of hiring a 40 something to go back to college. He tells me not to worry that that have me all set up to be a lab pathologist. I'm curious and notice a crowd of young students headed my way. Next thing I know I'm laying down and there are students suspended about 3 feet above me in sleeping bags. I notice I'm surrounded by students in sleeping bags all looking at me. I can barely move and starting to get a bit claustrophobic. I wake up.

I notice while I was writing this that I had a dream about a coach awhile back. Coach Bob Knight. Currently I don't know if there is any significance.



Anonymous said...

Well, it's not UT and it's not Mack Brown, so I can be of no help to you! Hook'em Horns!

Tawnya Shields said...

I do recall that dream about Bobby Knight. Hey, do you think that coach looks a lot like John Kerry? LOL!!! :o)