Saturday, September 15, 2007

Running 2007

I've been really bad with, what I consider, my normal routines. For whatever reason everything has been thrown out of wack and I think I'm finally starting to recover. I haven't been blogging, running, meditating, etc......

Speaking of running, I am in bad shape. I have a marathon coming up and in my current state it would be a really painful experience. I looked up on the blog what I was doing a year ago and discovered I was in a similar (though not as bad) state. I had originally signed up for two marathons this year, one in October 6 and the other in November 6. I changed the October one to a half marathon and started on building my miles. here's the story, Currently I'm running 6 miles a day, I'm working my way up to 12, then 16 and then I alternate throwing a couple of 20's in their. My weight as suffered the most. I just weighed myself and I'm a wopping 199.5! I should be and need to get to 170 by marathon day. Don't worry I'm not going to starve myself but will focus on obtaining that weight.

I decided I would use the blog as my running journal. This way I could keep track of my progress and hopefully add some colorful commentary or a thought for the day. Maybe I might change the title to " A runners new spirituality"? NAAAAAH! :o)



Tawnya Shields said...

I think it is a great idea to blog about your running goals and achievements.

I liked what you said in your prior post about re-inventing yourself. As I apprach 40 I am feeling the tug to do the same and it is daunting. But I know this is what I must do. Where do you start?Everything I thought I wanted to do has pfft and fizzled. I need to move on now.

Thanks for the spiritual nudge.

Epi said...

Thank you T and I'm glad you liked the post. As for where do you start? For me I started by realizing that I still have plenty to offer and there are many more things I would like to do an experience and the great part is that you have 40 years of wisdom to move forward with
