Sunday, September 23, 2007

A fresh start

While I run I usually meditate or put myself in a positive thought mode. Sometimes I make plans or do some philosophical thinking. On the beginning of todays run I was being a little hard on myself for being lazy and waiting so long to start the run. As the miles went by and I came into a more positive frame of mind I thought about something really cool. People always like to put numbers or limits on themselves; for example "If I don't get this in 3 attempts, I'm giving up!" or "when are they going to stop they already tried 6 times". Who made up limits anyway? Where does it that we have to put a number on the things we do? I smoked once and I've quit and restarted more than I can count. There were times where I thought "Man, I've already tried this so many times why don't I just stop trying?". But I realized something..

There are no limits!!! Every day is a fresh start a new beginning! We are the ones that limit ourselves by setting boundaries. If my lazy side won and I didn't run today I would've really been bummed out for a time. But the cool thing is that I know tomorrow I can get up and do a run. Sure it's a day later but I can still do the run, there's nothing from stopping me from doing the run except myself. Hence there's nothing stopping us from doing what we want. Will we make mistakes, yes, will we experience failures, yes. But everyday is a new day to build on your lessons and create a better you.

I'm starting to get redundant and I'm guessing this might not be news to some who read this. But I think it's really cool. See to me this means that there is always a chance. Regardless of the obstacles there's always a new day for a fresh start.


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