Monday, April 23, 2007

Dream: Spirit in the Snow

This was a peculiar dream:

I'm around Boston and it's the End of Days. It's snowing and the scene is in a deep blue. I'm speaking with someone trying to get them to understand to flee to have any chance of survival. We both start to sink into the ice and snow.

I find myself back at Mount Loretto (the orphanage I was in) on the far end of th campus on a hill by the beach. I am lonely and can't get anyone to talk to me; the few people I see anyway. I'm trying to get to the other side of the campus. I find these big boxes like the one that have the big flat screen TV's. I use these boxes like sleds or ski devices one under each arm and head downhill to the other side of the campus.

I'm hitting bumps and each bump I hit I'm getting a little higher until finally i hit a bump and I'm sent high in the air. But instead of falling I'm actually flying. I'm flying extremely awkwardly without any real control of direction or anything. I see a couple heading into a house and yell out to them, to my surprise they respond. I awkwardly make my way down to them and discover they are like toys. When i ask what's going on the male figure says to me "Don't you know? We're all dead." I was a little shock but knew deep inside that it was true. I was feeling very lonely and looking for home. I wake up.

The dream was scary in a way but very weird. Don't know what to make of it but I plan on meditating on it for awhile to see if I can get any answers.



Tawnya Shields said...

Whoa, now that is far out. If you notice I think we both had dreams of snow in the past few days.

Let me know where your thoughts take you on this dream journey of yours.

Liked those pics you chose. Especially the cute little couple.

Do you think you were in another dimension or timeline and were seeing dead people/ghosts? Or was it all symbolism? Only you can know that but I sure am curious. :o)

Nathalie said...

I have those dreams too, that I'm dead, and I know I am, but everything still looks so real. I'm still me, though I'm not anymore, do you know what I mean?

I'm with Titania here; might it be a different dimension? Perhaps it's not the end of the world as such, but the end of the world as you know it? Because you are changing things in your life perhaps?

Anonymous said...

I love dreams where I'm flying.

That last pic is great!

Take care!

Epi said...

Hi Titania, yes I did notice we both had snow dreams. AS you probably already know I am very visual too. I'm thinking symbolism. It was the first time I ever flew so I'm thinking more in line with Nathalie that something new is happening. I think I know what you mean Nathalie about being you but not you. Quite often I've had dreams where I'm not Epi but I know I'm me.

Josh I'm glad you have dreams where your flying. From my dream it was something I would definitely like to experience more