Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dreams 4-10-2007

For the most part of posted a couple of dreams but I usually don't for the simple fact that I don't remember them. But today is different not only did I remember my dream but I remembered 2 of them. Also I usually don't post in the morning but I wanted to keep everything fresh; Here Goes;

Dream 1:

I am back on Staten Island with my friend Tom. I'm getting dressed in a uniform, either a soldier or policeman. Tom is patting me on the back in a that a boy type of way. A Little info on Tom, he's been my friend since high school he''s a good friend but unfortunately has allot of anger. He's very black and white. I get on a bicycle to get to my destination and head off. On my way there I see a wold and he's growling at me, I'm scared. He comes after me and I start pedaling faster to get away. He reaches me and we struggle he gets caught under my bicycle tire and he's injured and I manage to get away. A little further down the road there are two more wolves they start to come at me and I wake up.

I've learned that the things that I perceive to be other beings against me are actually are part of me. I'm thinking the first wolf was me trying to stop me from my destination. The second group was either my guides or my soul group (my wolf pack) trying to do the same. I use to be in the military and was once like Tom. There must be something going on in my life that will either cause me to be that way or to consider it.

Dream 2:

I''m on some type of adventure race or trip, like they have on TV. I want to go to Antarctica to find something. What I'm looking for is knowledge and and understanding and not some material thing. I want to discover what's under all of that ice. In as much as I want to go I'm apprehensive. There's a woman with me but I don't know who she is. That is to say that I know her in my dream but don't recognize her from anyone in my wake state. We finally agree that we're going and I get in my car in Staten Island to go to the airport at 5:00 AM.

As I'm driving to the airport I pass by the orphanage I used to be at. I find it strange that there are kids outside playing. A couple comes up to me and say hello and tell me that I have to help them with Mount Loretto (the orphanage). I"m very apprehensive but there's a child next to me in the car telling me that we should and that we need to. I stop to help and the child that was with me goes with the other children where I cannot see them. The couple explain to me that they're planning on changing the orphanage for the better but can't do it without my help. My stomach turns as I listen but I make the commitment to them and we start. I wake up.

This has to do with the volunteering I'm getting ready to do and me facing my past. I realize that it is part of my growth and something I have to do before discovering what's under the blanket of snow in my life.

This is an actual picture of part of Mount Loretto. When I was there in the Mid 70's they had tons of acres of woods and also a farm and beach. Being from Brooklyn I thought I was in kid heaven.



Anonymous said...

Dreams really do have meanings. I've learned that they are our body's way of making us aware that we are ready to deal with things deep down inside.

I had to work out some problems with my dad this way.

Take care!

Tawnya Shields said...

Those were very good dreams.

I am in total agreement on your second dream. You are coming into your own and reaching out to others to overcome their struggles.Paying it forward. :o)

The first one was very interesting. I love wolves. My best dream of them was when they were lined up and growing up to atack me but I knelt before them and I turned into one and them and began to howl. I was accepted by my pack! It was so awesome.

Wolves do symbolize our sense of family and community. Wolves by the way have never killed a human in North America. Wolves are usually non agressive and not like the movies depict.

Wolves can indicate a message of feelings towards family.

Wolf also can be trying to get you to be in touch with your instinctual self.

And of course wolf is a sign of fear. Are there fears involving family?

Just some cookie crumbs I wanted to throw out. :o)


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'll try to find that Passion w/the U2 song at the end on YouTube sometime this weekend. I don't get YouTube at work, so I have to do it from home.

Nathalie said...

They are indeed interesting dreams, wolves are a strong symbol as Titania already mentioned.
And dream no. 2 speaks for itself basically :)
I hope you'll have more dreams you can remember soon!

Anonymous said...

Epi, I hope things are going well for you. I've missed your posts.

Epi said...

Thank you all for your posts. I am truly blessed to have people like you sharing your thoughts and ideas. I apologize for being off-line for awhile. I was feeling really tired and things have been intense. Found out I was tired because I had a peculiar virus. Anyway the virus is being handled and the intensity is till there but I have my smile back.


Nathalie said...

hang in there and get well soon!