Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dreaming in AZ

It's interesting but I have been having a great deal more dreams since my move. Actually what I should say is I have been remembering a great deal more dreams. I just have to start getting into the habit of writing them down so I can look at them again when I'm awake. One thing for sure the dreams have been more intense. I wake up int the morning and can't really remember the details but I can recall the feelings. I've e-mailed some old coworkers at my last job and I've started having dreams about my old place and the conflict that I experienced there. Last night I had a dream in which I was separated from my family again experiencing the intense feeling of fear and being alone. Maybe this is a way of me purging myself of baggage, I'm not really sure. I am happy about the fact that I am remembering more. I would really like to develop my ability to recall and interpret my dreams. I would also like to be able to become lucid in my dreams. SO I'm thinking that this is the beginning process to such a thing.


Tawnya Shields said...

Arizona is working so well for you. Not only was it an economical move but a spiritual one! Recalling your dreams probably won't take long since you are remembering the "feelings". :o)

Epi said...

I'm thinking you're right Titania. I chuckle because if it's going this well for me I can only imagine how my kids are doing.
