Monday, May 28, 2007

Gilligans Island

Had another race this weekend. It was a 5k and it was pretty nice. It was in this park on the southern end of Phoenix. It was really cool because the park had allot of ponds and palm trees and it looked like the lagoon on gilligan's island. I'm hoping that most of you that read this know about Gilligans Island (really hoping). My gang helped at the water stop and it was really cool seeing them their when I really needed support and water. What a wonderful metaphor huh? Though I would say they're more than my water stop, more like Oasis.:o) As usual the energy at events such as this is wonderful and contagious. Wish I could bottle it an hand it out to people who needed it most. I ran a good race and at the pace I expected (about an 8:43 mile). I might actually hook up with a group that offers personal trainers. It's at a cost but I've never tried something like that and it's worth a shot. Hoping everyone is enjoying this weekend.


1 comment:

Tawnya Shields said...

That must have been a beautiful run. Sounds like a paradise. I liked how you saw your family as a oasis. That was so beautiful.
