Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Christmas Wish

The Christmas spirit has been slow in getting to me this year. I haven't been negative and I've been keeping a smile but the true joy I usually experience wasn't happening. The joy of a child is what I relate it to, a warm feeling inside that indescribable. I was listening to Christmas music and all of a sudden it came that lovely spirit of the holidays. Sitting down and writing this while I listen to the music I discovered that I have a Christmas Wish. I want to ballroom dance with my wife. Dancing is something I love and I can do it allot better than my other love (singing). I want a moment where we both can look into each others eyes and share the beauty of life together in a dance. It probably won't happen this Christmas but when it does I'll let you know. That's my Christmas wish.

Merry Christmas and Blessings


Tawnya Shields said...

That is a wonderful wish to have and the law of attraction will make it a reality.

I confess that my favorite Christams carol is The Little Drummer Boy. Always has been. I love the ,rumpa pum pum , rumpa pum pum part. :o)

Epi said...

That's funny about the drummer boy it has been always a favorite of mine. I actually played the drummer boy when I was in chorus in the 5th grade. I wasn't too fond of it at the time and I was scared to death. This year it's the song from the polar express (Believe) sung by Josh Groban, the music is great and the lyrics really touch me. My wife knows of him, until this song I never really knew of him :o)

Music has always been one of my main ways of connecting with my higher self for me nothing can help me feel the beauty more than music.