Tuesday, March 27, 2007


My wife and I have spoken and we're gonna try something new. We're gonna try to flip a house!! Now we're not gonna do this right away. We'll do some research and make sure we're prepared before we take the plunge. I've already have done some research and the more I learn the more I'm convinced we can do this.

I like this because I think it really works well for us. For beginners my wife and I will be working together and to me that is GREAT! We're a good team and compliment each other well. She's not afraid to get dirty and she's always willing to learn. Also I like home improvement and have been doing it for a long time. I used to have all sorts of cool tools! We also finished our basement, redid our kitchen and put a new hardwood floor in. OOOOF!

So that's the scoop! That's what we're gonna do! I'll keep ya posted.


1 comment:

Tawnya Shields said...

What a fantastic idea. My best friend in Vegas is getting ready to this also. She's getting tips from my other friend who is a realtor. He is blunt and honest so I know she will be fine. She's very excited too!
Many prosperous blessings!